Segawa Tomisaburô I

The actor Segawa Senjo held the name of Segawa Tomisaburô I from 1773 to the 10th lunar month of 1774.

Segawa Tomisaburô I in print made by Torii Kiyotsune in 1774

Segawa Tomisaburô II

The actor Segawa Tomisaburô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1784 to the 3rd lunar month of 1804.

Segawa Tomisaburô II drawn by Utagawa Toyokuni I for the book "Yakusha Gakuya Tsû" (1799)

Segawa Tomisaburô III
Segawa Tomisaburô III  In Japanese | Segawa Hamajirô  In Japanese | Segawa Matsunosuke  In Japanese | Arashi Matsunojô V  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. He started his career in Kamigata as a disciple of Arashi Sangorô III, who gave him the name of Arashi Matsunojô V in the 11th lunar month of 1796. He went to Edo in Fall 1799 with Arashi Hinasuke II. He became disciple of Segawa Kikunojô III in Edo and, most likely, received the name of Segawa Matsunosuke*. He took the name of Segawa Hamajirô in the 8th lunar month of 1801, as part of a grand shûmei for the Hamamuraya guild at the Ichimuraza. He finally took the name of Segawa Tomisaburô III in the 11th lunar month of 1814 at the Nakamuraza. This onnagata actor was active in Edo up to the beginning of the 1830s. he was quite popular and excelled in female roles in sewamono dramas.

Haimyô Yagô
Robai Hamamuraya

(*) depending on the source, the name is different: it is Segawa Matsunosuke for "Kabuki Nenpyô", Segawa Matsunojô for "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten" and no name at all for the Ritsumeikan University Actors Database; we've decided to choose Segawa Matsunosuke.

The name of Segawa Tomisaburô III in the 1830 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

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