Nakamura Tôzô V playing the role of Musashibô Benkei in the "Kawagoe Jôshi" scene of the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura", which was staged in September 1915 at the Ichimuraza

Nakamura Tôzô V playing the role of the hangandai Terukuni in the "Dômyôji" scene of the drama "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami", which was staged in November 1915 at the Ichimuraza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Watanabe no Tsuna in the dance-drama "Ibaraki", which was staged in February 1926 at the Shinbashi Enbujô

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Ono no Tôfû in the drama "Ono no Tôfû Aoyagi Suzuri", which was staged in March 1927 at the Shinbashi Enbujô

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Kinugawa Tanizô in the drama "Meiboku Sendai Hagi", which was staged in October 1928 at the Shinbashi Enbujô

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Musashibô Benkei in the drama "Ataka no Seki", which was staged in October 1932 at the Shinjuku Shinkabukiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Akogi no Heiji in the drama "Seishû Akogi-ga-Ura", which was staged in August 1935 at the Kabukiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Ishikawa Goemon in the drama "Odoke Niwaka Ataka no Shinseki", which was staged in December 1936 at the Kabukiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Kitahachi in the drama "Tojiawase Shin Hizakurige", which was staged in February 1937 at the Meijiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Iseya Kinbê in the drama "Hatsugatsuo", which was staged in June 1940 at the Kabukiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Ôdate Samagorô Teruhide in the oshimodoshi grand finale of the dance-drama "Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji", which was staged in December 1940 at the Kabukiza

Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Ikyû in the drama "Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura", which was staged in April 1941 at the Kabukiza

The actor Ôtani Tomoemon VI playing the role of Teraoka Heiemon in the classic "Kanadehon Chûshingura" in a print made by Ôta Masamitsu in 1950

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