The actors Onoe Kikugorô VI and Nakamura Kichiemon I playing the roles of Aoki Teijirô and Kamiya Genzô in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actor Nakamura Tôzô V playing the role of Jôshûya Gohê in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actor Morita Kan'ya XIII playing the role of Jôshûya Hanjirô in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actor Nakamura Tôzô V playing the role of Bôji no Heigorô in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actor Onoe Kikugorô VI playing the role of the tedai Kôshichi in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actor Onoe Eizaburô VI playing the role of Miyoshino Kamejirô in the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in September 1914 at the Ichimuraza |
The actors Onoe Kikugorô VI and Nakamura Kichiemon I playing the roles of Aoki Teijirô and Kamiya Genzô in the "Tsukuda Yoseba Meshitakidokoro" scene of the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in June 1926 at the Kabukiza |
The actors Onoe Kikugorô VI and Nakamura Kichiemon I playing the roles of Aoki Teijirô and Kamiya Genzô in the "Fukagawa Ofunaguramae Meshiya" scene of the drama "Ansei Kibun Tsukuda no Yoarashi", which was staged in June 1926 at the Kabukiza |
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