Dance title Uma Nusubito  In Japanese
Hhorse Thieves
Authors Iwaya Sazanami (original story)
Iwaya Shin'ichi (script)

The dance-drama "Uma Nusubito" was premiered in July 1956 at the Ôsaka Kabukiza [casting].

Key words Shosagoto

Two rascals, Akuta and Sunezô, are looking for money for debauchery. They encounter a peasant named Rokubei, who is quite naive and is walking his horse. An evil's idea comes to Akuta's mind. He convinces Sunezô to cheat the peasant and rob him of the horse. Their plot succeeds, but the peasant confronts them just as they are about to sell the horse. The curtain falls on the comical flight of the two thieves and the pursuing Rokubei.

"Uma Nusubito"

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