5th lunar month of 1788: first Kabuki adaptation of Chikamatsu Yasuzô and Umeno Shitakaze puppet theater drama "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi", which is staged in Ise at the Furuichi no Shibai with the following casting:

Roles Actors
Kinugawa Yasozaemon, Todoroki Dengoemon Ichikawa Danzô IV
Rokusuke Mimasu Daigorô II
Ichimisai's elder daughter Osono Yamashita Kamenojô IV
Kyôgoku no Takumi Bandô Sanpei
Mokusokan Kasaya Matakurô II
Tomohei Ichikawa Torazô
Mashiba Hisayoshi Ichikawa Monzaburô
Oyoshi Ichiyama Tajirô

Ichikawa Danzô IV replaces Mimasu Daigorô II for the role of Rokusuke in the 6th lunar month.

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