Bandô Moriwaka I

The actor Sawamura Tetsunosuke V held the name of Bandô Moriwaka I from August 1955 to June 1967.

Bandô Moriwaka II
Bandô Moriwaka II  In Japanese

Born the 20th of June 1945. He became a disciple of Morita Kan'ya XIV in 1966 and made his debut on stage in December 1969 at the National Theatre, where he received the name of Bandô Moriwaka II and performed in the drama "Genroku Chûshingura". He became a disciple of Bandô Tamasaburô V after the passing away of his first master the 28th of March 1975. He became nadai and celebrated it in June 1998 at the Kabukiza, where he played a koshimoto role in the drama "Kinkakuji".

Yagô Honmyô
Yamatoya Hasegawa Susumu
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