Onoe Taganojô I | |
The actor Onoe Taganojô I held this name from 1690 to 1697 (or 1714 [1]). |
Onoe Taganojô II | |
The actor Onoe Taganojô II held this name from the 8th lunar month of 1866 to June 1899. |
Onoe Taganojô II playing the role of Otoku in the drama "Domo Mata" |
Onoe Taganojô 2.3 | |
A minor Otowaya actor held the name of Onoe Taganojô from 1910 to 1924. |
Onoe Taganojô III | |
The actor Onoe Taganojô III held this name from June 1927 to June 1978. |
Onoe Taganojô III playing the role of Oshizu in the dance-drama "Futa Omote Mizu ni Terutsuki", which was staged in September 1927 at the Kabukiza |
[1] 1697 in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten". 1714 in the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran". Between 1707 and 1714, a wakaonnagata actor named Onoe Taganojô performed in Kyôto. Was he Onoe Taganojô I or Onoe Taganojô 1.2 (a different person holding the name but not acknowledged as the 2nd in the line)? No way to clearly answer this question. It was answered as being the same person in the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran". |
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