Arashi Minshi I

The actor Arashi Koroku III's haimyô was Minshi and, although he never officially held the name of Arashi Minshi I, he was considered as the founder of the line.

Arashi Minshi II

The actor Arashi Hinasuke II's haimyô was Minshi and, although he never officially held the name of Arashi Minshi II, he was considered as the second actor of this line.

Arashi Minshi III

The actor Arashi San'emon IX's haimyô was Minshi and, although he never officially held the name of Arashi Minshi III [1], he was considered as the third actor of the line.

Arashi Minshi IV

The actor Arashi San'emon X held the name of Arashi Minshi IV [1] from the Man'en era to the beginning of the Jôkyô era.

The name of Arashi Minshi IV in the 1860 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Arashi Minshi V
Arashi Minshi V [2]  In Japanese In Japanese | Arashi Rikyô  In Japanese | Arashi Risaburô  In Japanese

Born in 1854. Disciple of Arashi Rikan IV, he started his career in 1869 and his first stage name [3] was Arashi Risaburô. He took the name of Arashi Rikyô in 1876 [4]. He took the name of Arashi Minshi V [2] in March 1879 [5] in Ôsaka at the Ebisuza. He settled in Tôkyô in 1890 and performed in venues like the Harukiza. He went back to Ôsaka in 1895 and performed as a tatesakusha in koshibai venues like the Bentenza. He died the 24th of January 1905. He was said to be the last great Arashi onnagata.

Yagô Honmyô
Yoshidaya, Hamuraya [6] Nishiwaki Katsukichi, Nonaka Katsukichi

Arashi Minshi V

Arashi Minshi VI
Arashi Minshi VI [2]  In Japanese | Ichikawa Noshimatsu  In Japanese | Ôtani Rikimaru  In Japanese

Born the 15th of January 1915. He started his career as a disciple of Ôtani Rikizô I, who gave him the name of Ôtani Rikimaru. He made his debut on stage in October 1921, in Tôkyô at the Ichimuraza, where he performed in the drama "Terakoya". Later, he became disciple of Ichikawa Dannosuke VI and received the name of Ichikawa Noshimatsu in October 1937 in Ôsaka at the Ôsaka Kabukiza. He took the name of Arashi Minshi VI in September 1944 at the Bentenza. He appeared on stage for the last time in Ôsaka at the Nakaza, where he performed in the drama "Abura no Jigoku", "Mominoki ha nokotta" and "Numazu". He left the Kabuki world in 1968. No record afterwards.

Yagô Honmyô
Kyôya, Mikawaya, Akashiya Kobayashi Takeo



[1] Arashi San'emon IX and Arashi San'emon X were recorded in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten" as Arashi Minshi I and Arashi Minshi II.

[2] Arashi Minshi V was recorded as Arashi Minshi VI in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten". The real Arashi Minshi VI was not recorded in this book.

[3] According to Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten", his first stage name was Nakamura Umenosuke and he held it during the second half of the 1860s. It could be a mistake related to Arashi Kitsusaburô IV, who really held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke between 1856 and 1871.

[4] In the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran", it was recorded that, before becoming Arashi Rikyô in 1876, he took the name of Arashi Rikaku II in 1872. Not the usual Arashi Rikaku name but a different Rikaku. Arashi Rikaku I was Ichikawa Gonjûrô, who held this name between 1867 and 1874. It could be a mistake and we've decided to discard it. In Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten", it was recorded that he held the name of Arashi Kitsusaburô III but this was not possible as it was commonly acknowledged that Arashi Kichisaburô III, although he never held officially the name of Arashi Kitsusaburô III on stage, was indeed the third member of the Arashi Kitsusaburô line.

[5] November 1879 in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten".

[6] Yoshidaya and Itamiya in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten". Yoshidaya and Hamuraya in the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran".

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