Arashi Tomisaburô I

The actor Arashi Raishi I held the name of Arashi Tomisaburô I during the 1730s.

Arashi Tomisaburô II

The actor Arashi Tomisaburô II held this name from the 5th lunar month of 1807 to the 8th lunar month of 1830.

Arashi Tomisaburô II playing the role of Kosayo in the drama "Keisei Asoyama Zakura", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1827 at the Naka no Shibai (print made by Asayama Ashiyuki)

Arashi Tomisaburô III
Arashi Tomisaburô III  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Disciple of Arashi Tomisaburô II, his previous stage names were not recorded. He took the name of Arashi Tomisaburô III after the death of his master in 1830. He settled in Edo in 1839. He performed as a wakaonnagata the 3rd lunar month of 1844 at the Kawarasakiza in the drama "Kinkazan Nebiki no Irifune". He went back to Kamigata and was active up to 1847. No record afterwards.

The entry about Arashi Tomisaburô III in the 1847 Kamigata hyôbanki

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