Shinomiya Heihachi I

The actor Shinomiya Heihachi I held this name from 1696 to 1703 or 1704.

The Actor Shinomiya Heihachi I
Attributed to Torii Kiyonobu I
Date: c. 1700
The Art Institute of Chicago (print in the public domain)

Shinomiya Heihachi II
Shinomiya Heihachi II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Disciple of Shinomiya Heihachi I, he started his career around 1704. He took the name of Shinomiya Heihachi II in the 11th lunar month of 1705 at the Yamamuraza, performing in the drama "Taihei Shusse Kagekiyo Shiraume no Hata", which was considered as an earlier version of the Kabuki Jûhachiban drama "Kagekiyo". He went to Kyôto in 1713 and played in the 1st lunar month of 1713 at Kameya Kumenojô's theater the role of Princess Hatsu in the kaomise drama "Fukubiki Miuma no Ôkamado". He played in the 1st lunar month of 1714 at Ebisuya Hatsudayû's theater the role of the sakaya's younger sister Oen in the the kaomise drama "Toshitokujin Midoribune" which was produced by Mitsuyama Shichisaburô. His rank in the 1714 Kyôto hyôbanki, wakaonnagata section, was (superior) [visual]. No record afterwards.

Shinomiya Heihachi II playing the role of Fukudayû's wife in the new year drama "Keisei Yaeguruma", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1713 in Kyôto

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