The actors Onoe Kikugorô III, Matsumoto Kôshirô V and Ichikawa Monnosuke III playing the roles of the yakko Sodesuke, Sôgen (in reality Fujita Mizuemon) and Omatsu in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

The actor Onoe Kikugorô III playing the role of the yakko Sodesuke in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

The actor Matsumoto Kôshirô V playing the role of Sôgen (in reality Fujita Mizuemon) in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

The actor Ichikawa Monnosuke III playing the role of Omatsu in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

The actors Bandô Zenji II (bottom/left), Nakajima Mihoemon IV (center) and Onoe Senzô (top/right) performing in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (illustration from an ehon banzuke)

The actors Ôtani Monzô II (top/left), Onoe Tamizô II (bottom/left), Matsumoto Kôshirô V (center) and Onoe Kanijûrô I (top/right) performing in the drama "Reigen Kameyama Hoko", which was staged in the 7th lunar month of 1822 at the Kawarasakiza (illustration from an ehon banzuke)

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