Stage names:

Nakamura Kashichi IV In Japanese
Nakamura Shichigasuke In Japanese
Nakamura Nakasuke II In Japanese
Nakamura Nakazô IV In Japanese
Bandô Jusaburô I In Japanese

Real name: Akita Shichigasuke

Guilds: Shôkakuya, Tsutadaya [3]

Line number: YODAIME (IV)

Poetry names: Keijaku, Hikaku, Ganshi [4]

Existence: 1817 ~ 13 February 1881


Master: Bandô Jutarô I

Adoptive father: Nakamura Kashichi III

Adopted son: Nakamura Hikaku

Disciple: Nakamura Nakaichi


1817: born in Kamigata. He started his career as an early age as a disciple of Bandô Jutarô I, who gave him the name of Bandô Jusaburô I and trained him to perform in miyaji shibai.

24th day of the 12th lunar month of 1840 [1]: his master Bandô Jutarô I died.

1840s: he was spotted by Nakamura Tomijûrô II in Nagoya. The Ôsaka star introduced him to Nakamura Kashichi III, who adopted him later on.

1st lunar month of 1848: he took the name of Nakamura Nakazô IV.

11th lunar month of 1853: Nakamura Nakamura Nakazô IV took the name of Nakamura Nakasuke II.

1st lunar month of 1865: Nakasuke's rank in the Kamigata hyôbanki, jitsuaku/katakiyaku section, was jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual].

1st lunar month of 1867: Nakamura Nakasuke II took the name of Nakamura Shichigasuke.

January 1875: Nakamura Shichigasuke took the name of Nakamura Kashichi IV at the Chikugo no Shibai, playing the role of Ganryû in the drama "Katakiuchi Nitô Eiyûki".

September 1880: Kashichi played at the Naka no Shibai the roles of Fujiwara no Shihei, Shiratayû and Shundô Genba in the drama "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami".

January 1881: Kashichi appeared on stage for the last time, in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai, where he played 3 roles in the drama "Haru no Koma Oguri Kaiden".

13 February 1881: Kashichi died in Ôsaka [2].


Nakamura Kashichi IV was a 19th century actor who made most of his career in Kamigata. Equally at home in sewamono and jidaimono dramas, he specialized in katakiyaku and fukeyaku (in his latter years). He was a talented and popular actor, renowned for the quality of his line-delivery and diction.

[1] The 24th day of the 12th lunar month of the 11th year of the Tenpô era was the 16th of January 1841 in the western calendar.

[2] Nakamura Kashichi IV's adopted son Nakamura Hikaku died a few days later, the 20th of February 1881.

[3] He used the yagô Tsutadaya only when he was Bandô Jusaburô I.

[4] He used the haimyô Ganshi only when he was Bandô Jusaburô I.

Nakamura Kashichi IV (top/left), Arashi Sangorô VI (top/right), Arashi Rikan IV (bottom/left), Nakamura Shikan IV (bottom/center) and Nakamura Fukusuke III (bottom/right) playing the roles of Fujiwara no Shihei, Sugiômaru, Sakuramaru, Matsuômaru and Umeômaru in the "Kurumabiki" scene of the drama "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami", which was staged in September 1880 at the Naka no Shibai

The Bandô Jusaburô line of actors

The Nakamura Nakazô line of actors

The Nakamura Nakasuke line of actors

The Nakamura Kashichi line of actors

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