Bandô Katsutarô 0.1

The actor Ichikawa Danshô II held the name of Bandô Katsutarô from August 1880 to 1887.

Bandô Katsutarô I

The actor Bandô Shûchô III held the name of Bandô Katsutarô I from January 1899 to August 1904.

Bandô Katsutarô II

The actor Bandô Shûchô IV held the name of Bandô Katsutarô II from June 1922 to March 1940.

Ichikawa Kodayû II (left) and Bandô Katsutarô II (right) performing in the drama "Hokuriku Dôchû Hizakurige", which was staged in August 1935 at the Kabukiza

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