The actor Segawa Kikunojô V playing the role of Nagisa in the drama "Toki ni Uttari Oyatsu no Taiko", which was staged in the 9th lunar month of 1825 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

This print is the right component of the following triptych:

The actors Iwai Hanshirô V, Bandô Mitsugorô III and Segawa Kikunojô V playing the roles of Kimagure Osaka, Shimobe Tomohei and Nagisa in the drama "Toki ni Uttari Oyatsu no Taiko", which was staged in the 9th lunar month of 1825 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

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