Stage names:

Iwai Tojaku In Japanese
Iwai Hanshirô V In Japanese
Iwai Kumesaburô I In Japanese

Other name:

Shôkaan Eikyû In Japanese

Nicknames: Me Senryô [4], Ôdayû [5], Tojaku Hanshirô

Guild: Yamatoya

Poetry name: Baiga, Tojaku

Existence: 1776 ~ 6th day of the 4th lunar month of 1847 [1]


Father: Iwai Hanshirô IV

Father-in-law: Sawamura Sôjûrô III

Sons: Iwai Hanshirô VI, Iwai Hanshirô VII

Grandson: Iwai Hanshirô VIII

Disciples: Iwai Kiyotarô IV, Iwai Kumetarô, Iwai Umezô (?)

Nephew: Sawamura Kinpei II


11th lunar month of 1787: he made his first appearance on stage, in Edo at the Kiriza, where he received the name of Iwai Kumesaburô I.

9th lunar month of 1790: the play "Yoshitsune Koshigoejô" was staged for the first time in Edo, at the Ichimuraza; it celebrated the onagori kyôgen of the Kamigata star Asao Tamejûrô I; Kumesaburô played the role of Gotobê's daughter Tokujo [more details].

7th lunar month of 1794: premiere at the Miyakoza of the drama "Keisei Sanbon Karakasa"; Kumesaburô played the role of the Takashima daughter Ichô-no-Mae [more details].

9th lunar month of 1796: the play "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" was staged for the first time in Edo, simultaneously at the Kiriza and the Miyakoza; Kumesaburô played the role of Takumi's sister Otaka in the latter theater [casting].

3rd lunar month of 1799: Kumesaburô played at the Nakamuraza the role of the courtesan Agemaki in the drama "Ômiura Date no Nebiki" [print].

28th day of the 3rd lunar month of 1800 [6]: his father Iwai Hanshirô IV died.

7th lunar month of 1801: Kumesaburô played at the Kawarasakiza the roles of Hinadori and Omiwa in the drama "Imoseyama Onna Teikin".

6th lunar month of 1802: first performance at the Kawarasakiza of the play "Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami"; Kumesaburô played the role of Otatsu [casting].

11th lunar month of 1804: Iwai Kumesaburô I took the name of Iwai Hanshirô V at the Nakamuraza, playing 3 roles in Sakurada Jisuke I's kaomise drama "Kiku Zumô Mikurai Sadame".

11th lunar month of 1805: Hanshirô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Seiwa Genji Nidai no Yumitori", which celebrated the shûmei of Arashi Ryûzô III and welcomed back in Edo Ôtani Tomoemon II.

1st lunar month of 1806: Hanshirô performed in the same theater in the new year drama "Nenriki Sendachi no Sugi".

11th lunar month of 1806: Hanshirô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Kawaranu Hana Yuki no Michinoku".

3rd lunar month of 1807: Hanshirô played in the same theater the prestigious role of the courtesan Agemaki in the drama "Saruwaka Sakae Soga"; his stage partners in the roles of Sukeroku and Ikyû were Ichikawa Omezô I and Bandô Mitsugorô III (they inverted their roles for the first day of the performance).

7th lunar month of 1807: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Osono in the drama "Reigen Kanaegadake", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" world; his stage partner in the role of Rokusuke was Bandô Mitsugorô III.

5th lunar month of 1808: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Okaru and Tonase in the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura".

3rd lunar month of 1809: premiere at the Moritaza of Fukumori Kyûsuke I's drama "Sono Mukashi Koi no Edo-zome"; Hanshirô played the role of Yaoya Oshichi [casting].

11th lunar month of 1809: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II kaomise drama "Misao no Hana Toba no Koizuka", which celebrated the shûmei of Onoe Shôroku I and Onoe Matsusuke II; Hanshirô played the roles of the shirabyôshi Kesa Gozen, the sendô Yamatoya Omatsu, the Mitsuôgiya keisei Tokiwagi (in reality Tametomo's daughter Ôshima) and Yuya Gozen [more details].

1st lunar month of 1810: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Kokoro no Nazo Toketa Iroito"; Hanshirô played the roles of Ofusa and Oito [casting].

3rd lunar month of 1810: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Kachi Zumô Ukina no Hanabure" (commonly called "Shirafuji Genta"); Hanshirô played the role of the courtesan Oshun [casting]. The play ended with a Tomimoto-based dance called "Kaze Sasou Kane mo Yotsudake", starring Hanshirô, Bandô Mitsugorô III and Matsumoto Kôshirô V.

5th lunar month of 1810: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Ehon Gappô-ga-Tsuji"; Hanshirô played the roles of Sagoemon's daughter Oyone and Sajûrô's wife Satsuki [casting].

2nd lunar month of 1811: Hanshirô played in the same theater the prestigious role of the courtesan Agemaki in the drama "Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura"; his stage partners in the roles of Sukeroku and Ikyû were Ichikawa Danjûrô VII and Matsumoto Kôshirô V.

7th lunar month of 1811: premiere at the Ichimuraza of "Tamamo-no-Mae Obana no Nishiki", the Kabuki adaptation of the puppet theater drama "Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto"; Hanshirô played the role of Tamamo-no-Mae [more details]. It was followed by the premiere at the Ichimuraza of the drama "Nazo no Obi Chotto Tokubê"; Hanshirô played the roles of Okaji and Otatsu [more details].

11th lunar month of 1811: Hanshirô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Azuma no Hana Iwai no Dairi".

5th lunar month of 1812: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Okaji and Okyô in the drama "Kiyomizu Seigen Omokage Zakura".

9th lunar month of 1812: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Ofude and Chidori in the drama "Hirakana Seisuiki".

11th lunar month of 1812: Hanshirô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Yukimo Yoshino Kigoto no Kaomise".

3rd lunar month of 1813: premiere at the Moritaza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's play "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri" (commonly called "Osome no Nanayaku", in English 'The Seven Roles of Osome'); the seven roles were played by Hanshirô [casting].

4th lunar month of 1813: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Koman in Namiki Gohei I's drama "Godairiki Koi no Fûjime".

11th lunar month of 1813: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's kaomise drama "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki"; Hanshirô played the roles of Masakado's daughter Princess Nanaaya, Onishichi's nyôbô Otsuna (in reality Fujiwara no Sumitomo's jijo Tomaya), Minamoto no Yorimitsu's jijo Konoito, Yamanba and the spirit of a ground spider [more details].

29th day of the 11th lunar month of 1813 [7]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Takasago-chô and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. The troupe at the Ichimuraza went to the Moritaza and both troupes performed in a new kaomise drama entitled "Modoribashi Mata no Kaomise", which mixed acts from "Gohiiki Tsunagi Uma" and from "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki".

3rd lunar month of 1814: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sumidagawa Hana no Goshozome", commonly called "Onna Seigen"; Hanshirô played the roles of Ohatsu, the watashimori Onatsu, Princess Hanako, the Shinkiyomizu ama Seigen and Hanjo-no-Mae [more details].

7th lunar month of 1814: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's natsu kyôgen "Imaori Hakata no Irifune"; Hanshirô played the roles of Ise pilgrim Oichi (in reality Hôshô Taishi's daughter Princess Gyôranjo) and the Kanzakiya musume Osono (later Kashiku) [casting].

3rd lunar month of 1815: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Osato in the "Sushiya" scene of "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura".

5th lunar month of 1815: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kakitsubata Iro mo Edozome" (commonly called "Oroku to Gantetsu" or "Dote no Oroku"); Hanshirô played the roles of Manjiya Yatsuhashi and Dote no Oroku [casting].

11th lunar month of 1815: Hanshirô performed at the Kawarasakiza in the kaomise drama "Yamato Meisho Senbon Zakura", which celebrated the shûmei of Segawa Kikunojô V.

1st lunar month of 1816: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Nazoraete Fujigane Soga"; Hanshirô played the roles of Oniô Shinzaemon's nyôbô Tsukisayo and Kobayashi no Asahimaru [casting].

3rd lunar month of 1816: Hanshirô performed in the same theater in the drama "Tsubone Iwafuji Hiyoku no Uchikake", which commemorated the 16th anniversary of the death of his father Iwai Hanshirô IV; Hanshirô performed all the roles of a 7-roles dance program entitled "Edo Murasaki Tamuke no Shichiji":

Teranishi Kanshin
The sake-seller Hanakawa Chôbê
Yoi no Kuchi Senkichi
The spouse Oshina
The courtesan Yaeume
Shirai Gonpachi
The courtesan Miuraya Komurasaki

8th lunar month of 1816: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Ohaya and Hanaregoma Chôkichi in the drama "Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki"; his stage partner in the role of Nuregami Chôgorô was Nakamura Daikichi I.

11th lunar month of 1816: Hanshirô performed at the Kawarasakiza in the kaomise drama "Kiyomori Eiga no Utena", which celebrated the shûmei of Ôtani Bajû II, Sôryô Jinroku II, Sakata Hanjûrô, Bandô Matajûrô III, Ichikawa Momotarô I, Tsuuchi Monzaburô III and Ichikawa Kodanji III.

3rd lunar month of 1817: premiere at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's masterpiece "Sakura Hime Azuma Bunshô"; Hanshirô played the roles of Princess Sakura, Fûrin Ohime, Awazu Toshikane's wife Yabase and the okugata of the Yoshida clan Hanjo Gozen [casting].

11th lunar month of 1817: Hanshirô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Hana to Yuki Wagô Taiheiki", which celebrated the shûmei of Bandô Mitsuemon I, Matsumoto Goroichi and Bandô Hidesuke.

3rd lunar month of 1818: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Shirai Gonpachi in the drama "Banzui Chôbê Shôjin Manaita"; his partners in the roles of Banzuiin Chôbê and Komurasaki were Matsumoto Kôshirô V and Segawa Kikunojô V.

4th lunar month of 1818: premiere at the Nakamuraza of Sakurada Jisuke II's Tokiwazu-based dance-drama "Sono Sugata Hana no Utsushie", commonly called "Mitsu Ningyô" (literally "The Three Puppets") and ending a program entitled "Higashiyama Dono Kabuki no Danmaku" (nibanme); Hanshirô played the role of the keisei [casting].

5th lunar month of 1818: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Omiwa in "Imoseyama Onna Teikin".

7th lunar month of 1818: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Osono in the drama "Katakiuchi Doremo Wazamono", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi" world; his stage partner in the role of Rokusuke was Nakamura Shikan I.

8th lunar month of 1818: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Kasane in the play "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki".

11th lunar month of 1818: Hanshirô took part in the Nakamuraza kaomise drama "Ise Heiji Hiiki no Kaomise". He also played several roles at the Tamagawaza in the kaomise drama "Shitennô Ubuyu no Tamagawa".

1st lunar month of 1819: Hanshirô played at the Tamagawaza in the new year sogamono drama "Ehô Soga Yorozu Yoshiwara".

3rd lunar month of 1819: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô, disguised as a sake-seller, in the drama "Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura".

4th lunar month of 1819: Hanshirô played in the same theater the seven roles of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri".

7th lunar month of 1819: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Ohaya, Yamatoya Tojaku, Oseki and the courtesan Azuma in the drama "Chô-mo Hiyoku Yamazaki Odori", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki" world.

11th lunar month of 1819: Hanshirô performed at the Kawarasakiza in the kaomise drama "Yakko Yakko Edo no Hanayari".

3rd lunar month of 1820: revival at the Kawarasakiza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sumidagawa Hana no Goshozome", in which Hanshirô played roles of Ohatsu, Onami, Princess Hanako and the Shinkiyomizu ama Seigen.

9th lunar month of 1820: Hanshirô toured in Kamigata in the company of Matsumoto Kôshirô V. He played seven roles in the drama "Aburaya Osome Ukina no Yomiuri", which was staged in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai.

3rd lunar month of 1821: Hanshirô played at the Naka no Shibai the roles of Hanako and Ohatsu in Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sumidagawa Hana no Goshozome".

6th lunar month of 1821: Katsu Hyôzô I's drama "Kachi Zumô Ukina no Hanabure", commonly called "Shirafuji Genta", was revived for the first time, 11 years and 3 months after its premiere in Edo, in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai; Hanshirô played the role of the courtesan Oshun [casting].

7th lunar month of 1821: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of the courtesan Takao in the drama "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki".

9th lunar month of 1821: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Shirai Gonpachi in the drama "Azuma Kotoba Hanakawado"; his partners in the roles of Banzuiin Chôbê and Komurasaki were Matsumoto Kôshirô V and Arashi Koroku IV.

11th lunar month of 1821: Hanshirô played in Kyôto at the Minamigawa no Shibai the role of Omiwa in the drama "Imoseyama Onna Teikin". He also played the role of Ohatsu in the drama "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie".

12th lunar month of 1821: Hanshirô triumphed in the same theater by playing the role of Ohatsu in the drama "Kagamiyama" and 7 roles in "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri".

Spring 1822: tour in Nagoya; Hanshirô performed at the Tachibana no Shibai in the dramas "Yamato Meisho" and "Osome no Nanayaku".

4th lunar month of 1822: tour in Ise; Hanshirô performed in the drama "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie".

8th lunar month of 1822: tour in Nagoya with a troupe of Kamigata actors led by Nakayama Shinkurô III, Nakayama Icchô IV and Bandô Jûtarô; they performed at the Tachibana no Shibai in "Ranjatai Nitta Keizu" and "Edo Murasaki Naniwa no Iroage".

9th lunar month of 1822: Hanshirô was back in Edo and performed at the Kawarasakiza in the drama "Gozonji Azuma no Kyara", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" world.

11th lunar month of 1822: Hanshirô performed at the Ichimuraza in Tsuruya Nanboku IV's kaomise drama "Gohiiki Tsuwamono no Majiwari", which celebrated the shûmei of Nakayama Kinsha; the main male roles were played by Ichikawa Danjûrô VII and Onoe Kikugorô III.

11th lunar month of 1822 ~ 10th lunar month of 1823: the best year of the Iwai Clan; The tateonnagata for the 3 Edo theaters (Edo Sanza) were Hanshirô (Ichimuraza), Iwai Kumesaburô II (Nakamuraza) and Iwai Shijaku I (Moritaza).

1st lunar month of 1823: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's new year sogamono drama "Yaegasumi Soga no Kumiito"; Hanshirô played the roles of Kamegiku (in reality Inaba Kôzô), the itoya musume Oito, Oniô Shinzaemon's nyôbô Tsukisayo, Akashi (in reality Kagekiyo's musume Hitomaru) and Asahina's sister Maizuru [casting].

3rd lunar month of 1823: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Ukiyogara Hiyoku no Inazuma"; Hanshirô played the roles of Shirai Gonpachi, Murasaki Senchô and Chôbê's wife Ochika [casting].

7th lunar month of 1823: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's natsu kyôgen "Torimazete Sekison Miyage"; Hanshirô played the role of Hakone Miyagino no Shinobu (later the geisha Onobu) [casting].

11th lunar month of 1823: Hanshirô performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Yama Mata Yama Hana no Yamagatsu", which celebrated the shûmei of Osagawa Tsuneyo IV, Yamashina Jinkichi IV and Nakayama Tomisaburô II.

3rd lunar month of 1824: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Ohatsu in the drama "Botan ni Chô Hatsu ga Fumibako", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Kagamiyama" world; his stage partners in the roles of Onoe and the vile Iwafuji were Iwai Shijaku I and Ichikawa Danjûrô VII.

5th lunar month of 1824: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Oyone and Satsuki in Katsu Hyôzô I and Sakurada Jisuke II drama "Ehon Gappô-ga-Tsuji".

8th lunar month of 1824: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Sadaka and Omiwa in the drama "Imoseyama Onna Teikin"; his son Iwai Shijaku I played the role of Hinadori.

9th lunar month of 1824: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Oseki in the drama "Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki"; his stage partner in the role of Oseki's brother Hanaregoma Chôkichi was Ichikawa Danjûrô VII.

11th lunar month of 1824: Hanshirô performed in the same theater in the kaomise drama "Yamatogana Heike Monogatari".

1st lunar month of 1825: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Kudô Suketsune's wife Nagi-no-Ha in the new year sogamono drama "Satsuki no Fuji Soga Hatsuyume"; his stage partner in the roles of Kudô Suketsune was Bandô Mitsugorô III.

3rd lunar month of 1825: Hanshirô played in the same theater the role of Kohina in the play "Shiikake no Sode Ukina no Kaemon", in duo with Bandô Mitsugorô III in the role of Kohina's lover Hanbê.

5th lunar month of 1825: Hanshirô played in the same theater the roles of Osato in the "Sushiya" scene of the classic "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura".

11th lunar month of 1825: Hanshirô performed in the same theater in the kaomise drama "Azuma Dairi Kabuki no Shôgatsu".

11th lunar month of 1826: Hanshirô played at the Nakamuraza the roles of Osen, Princess Shiranui and Minamoto no Tametomo's wife Hachijô in the drama "Kaeribana Genji no Kachidoki".

1st lunar month of 1827: the Nakamuraza was destroyed in a fire at the beginning of the month and Hanshirô had to move to the Kawarasakiza, playing the roles of Akoya, Okuni and Muragumo in the drama "Ôichiza Soga no Shimadai", sharing the stage with Onoe Kikugorô III (Nagoya Sanza, Soga Jûrô), Ichikawa Danjûrô VII (Kagekiyo, Fuwa Banzaemon, Soga Gorô), Matsumoto Kôshirô V (Jigokudani no Oniô, Shôsuke, Seibê) and Kataoka Nizaemon VII (Gosho Gorômaru, Kudô Saemon). He also played the role of Omiwa in "Imoseyama Onna Teikin", which ended the program.

4th lunar month of 1827: the Nakamuraza reopened and Hanshirô moved back there to play the seven roles of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's play "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri". He also played 3 roles in the drama "Date Kabuki Kongen no Ishizue".

3rd lunar month of 1829: Hanshirô played at the Ichimuraza the role of Ohatsu in the drama "Sugata no Hana Yayoi no Nishikie", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Kagamiyama" world; his stage partners in the roles of Onoe and the vile Iwafuji were Iwai Kumesaburô II and Onoe Kikugorô III. Hanshirô suddenly fell ill and had to be replaced by his son Kumesaburô.

3rd lunar month of 1832: Hanshirô played in the same theater the prestigious role of the courtesan Agemaki in the drama "Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura"; his stage partners in the roles of Sukeroku and Ikyû were Ichikawa Ebizô V and Matsumoto Kôshirô V. Tojaku also performed in Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Sumidagawa Hana no Goshozome". The performance was extended to the 4th lunar month but it had to be stopped the 13th day when Hanshirô suddenly fell ill.

11th lunar month of 1832: great shûmei for the Iwai clan at the Nakamuraza; Iwai Hanshirô V, Iwai Kumesaburô II and Iwai Hisajirô II respectively took the names of Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Hanshirô VI and Iwai Kumesaburô III. They performed together in Segawa Jokô II's kaomise drama "Goban Tadanobu Yuki no Kuroshiro" and their stage partners were Matsumoto Kôshirô V, Nakamura Shikan II, Ichikawa Yaozô IV and Sawamura Tosshô I.

1st lunar month of 1833: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Koman in the new year sogamono drama "Hatsushibai Mutsumaji Soga".

5th lunar month of 1833: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Shirai Gonpachi in the drama "Mitsu Ichô Gozonji no Edozome"; his stage partner in the role of Banzuiin Chôbê was Matsumoto Kôshirô V. Tojaku also played the role of Chidori in the classic "Hirakana Seisuiki".

7th lunar month of 1833: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of the courtesan Sakuraya no Koman in the drama "Gonin Kiri Koi Ichinichi Gawari", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Godairiki Koi no Fûjime" world; his stage partners in the roles of Sasano Sangobê and Satsuma Gengobê were Ichikawa Ebizô V and Nakamura Shikan II.

1st lunar month of 1834: Tojaku played at the Ichimuraza the role of Oyasu in the drama "Hime Komatsu Ne-no-Hi no Asobi"; his stage partner in the role of Shunkan was Ichikawa Danzô V.

1st lunar month of 1835: Tojaku played at the Moritaza the role of Maizuru in the new year sogamono drama "Musubidai Soga to Karigane".

8th day of the 4th lunar month of 1836 [2]: his elder son Iwai Hanshirô VI died.

5th lunar month of 1836: tour in Nagoya. Tojaku played among others the role of Omiya in the "Sugi Sakaya" and "Mikasayama Goten" scenes of the classic "Imoseyama Onna Teikin", which was staged at the Tachibana no Shibai.

9th lunar month of 1836: Tojaku played at the Ichimuraza the role of Omiwa in the classic "Imoseyama Onna Teikin"; his stage partners in the roles of Fukashichi (Omiwa's killer), Motome (Omiwa's lover) and Princess Tachibana (Omiwa's rival in love) were Seki Sanjûrô II, Ichimura Uzaemon XII and Bandô Tamasaburô I.

3rd lunar month of 1837: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Ohatsu in the drama "Ura Omote Sakura no Iromaku", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Kagamiyama" world; his stage partners in the roles of Onoe and the vile Iwafuji were Ichikawa Danzô V and Ichikawa Ebizô V.

9th lunar month of 1837: Tojaku played at the Ichimuraza the roles of Osono, Orin and Okaru in the classic "Kanadehon Chûshingura".

1st lunar month of 1838: Tojaku played in the same theater the roles of Kasane and Masaoka in the drama "Date Kurabe Zensei Soga", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" world.

8th lunar month of 1838: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Shirai Gonpachi in the drama "Gohiiki Tamuke no Hanakawado"; his stage partner in the role of Banzuiin Chôbê was Ichikawa Ebizô V.

11th lunar month of 1838: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Sagami in the classic "Ichi-no-Tani Futaba Gunki"; his stage partner in the role of the warrior Kumagai Jirô Naozane was Nakamura Utaemon IV.

3rd lunar month of 1839: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Osato in the "Sushiya" scene of the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura".

8th lunar month of 1839: Tojaku played at the Kawarasakiza the role of Yaoya Oshichi in the drama "Sono Mukashi Koi no Edo-zome".

8th lunar month of 1840: premiere at the Nakamuraza of the drama "Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi", a revised version of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura"; Tojaku played the role of the courtesan Kojorô [casting].

11th lunar month of 1840: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Miyuki in the drama "Kaeribana Yuki no Takeda", whose plot and characters belonged to the "Honchô Nijûshikô" world; his stage partners in the roles of Yokozô and Jihizô (Miyuki's sons and rivals) were Ichikawa Ebizô V and Sawamura Tosshô I.

4th lunar month of 1841: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Sagami in the drama "Ichi-no-Tani Futaba Gunki"; his stage partner in the role of the warrior Kumagai Jirô Naozane was Sawamura Tosshô I.

5th lunar month of 1841: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Ofune in the drama "Shinrei Yaguchi no Watashi"; his stage partners in the role of Tonbê (Oyone's evil father) and Nitta Yoshimine were Ichikawa Ebizô V and Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII.

9th lunar month of 1841: Tojaku played the role of Oseki in "Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki"; his stage partner in the role of the sumô wrestler Hanaregoma Chôkichi (Oseki's brother) was Onoe Tamizô II.

10th lunar month of 1842: Tojaku took part in the opening ceremony of the newly-built Nakamuraza in the district of Asakusa Saruwaka-chô, performing in the drama "Kinryûzan Chikai no Ishizue", which was produced by Nakamura Kanzaburô XII; his stage partners were Sawamura Tosshô II, Arashi Kichisaburô III, Onoe Eizaburô III, Bandô Hikosaburô IV, Osagawa Tsuneyo IV, Arashi Izaburô II and Ichikawa Danzaburô V.

3rd lunar month of 1844: his son Iwai Shijaku I took the name of Iwai Hanshirô VII at the Nakamuraza.

7th lunar month of 1844: Tojaku and his son Iwai Hanshirô VII performed together at the Nakamuraza in the ghost play "Mukashi Mukashi Oiwa no Kaidan".

1st lunar month of 1845: Tojaku played in the same theater the role of Tenmaya Ohatsu in the new year sogamono drama "Soga Fûryû Karei no Harugoma", which included a section whose plot and characters belonged to the "Sonezaki Shinjû" world; his stage partner in the role of Hiranoya Tokubê was Ichimura Uzaemon XII.

1st day of the 4th lunar month of 1845 [3]: his younger son Iwai Hanshirô VII died.

1st lunar month of 1846: Iwai Tojaku appeared on stage for the last time, in Edo at the Kawarasakiza, where he played 2 roles in the drama "Kuruwa Moyô Hiyoku no Inazuma". He became a shaven-headed priest named Shôkaan Eikyû and retired in the district of Fujishita in Asakusa in order to pray for the souls of his 2 sons.

6th day of the 4th lunar month of 1847 [1]: Shôkaan Eikyû died in Edo.


Iwai Tojaku was one of the best onnagata in the Kabuki history, endowed with amazing looks, extraordinary beauty and beautiful voice, who reached the highest levels of fame during the Bunka, Bunsei and Tenpô eras.

"His good looks were rich in charm and sex appeal. Like his father, he specialized in townswomen in sewamono, and he firmly established the akuba type which his father had introduced, playing many of the famous akuba in the plays of Tsuruya Nanboku IV." (Samuel Leiter, "New Kabuki Encyclopedia")

[1] The 6th day of the 4th lunar month of the 4th year of the Kôka era was the 20th of May 1847 in the western calendar.

[2] The 8th day of the 4th lunar month of the 7th year of the Tenpô era was the 22nd of May 1836 in the western calendar.

[3] The 1st day of the 4th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Kôka era was the 6th of May 1845 in the western calendar.

[4] Literally eyes worth 1000 ryô.

[5] Literally the Grand Master. It was also the nickname of Segawa Senjo.

[6] The 28th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 12th year of the Kansei era was the 21st of April 1800 in the western calendar.

[7] The 29th day of the 11th lunar lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 21st of December 1813 in the western calendar.

Iwai Tojaku playing the role of Omiwa in the dance "Michiyuki Koi no Odamaki" in a print made by Utagawa Kunisada I

Prints & Illustrations

4 faces

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1801

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1803

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1808

Print made by Utagawa Toyokuni in 1810

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada (1811~1813)

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada in 1818

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada in 1825

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada in 1828

Print made by Utagawa Kunisada in 1830

The Iwai Kumesaburô line of actors

The Iwai Hanshirô line of actors

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