Takenaka Heikichi (top/left), Daimatsu Kyokusuke (top/center), Bandô Iwagorô (top/right), Bandô Kunigorô I (bottom/left), Tatsuoka Hisagiku (bottom/center) and Nakayama Gonjûrô (bottom/right) playing the roles of the yamabushi Nikôbô, Tônai Tarô, Nikuminosuke, Kugami Tanbê, the young dancing girl Ohyaku and Okamoto Ippô in Namiki Shôzô I's kaomise drama "Daimatsu Kyokusuke Tanzen Roppô", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1756 at the Ônishi no Shibai

Bandô Kunigorô I (left) and Ichikawa Takejûrô (right) playing the roles of an evil oshô and Tsukioka Hayato in Fujikawa Sanpachi's ni-no-kawari drama "Shima Gasane Keisei Zakura", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1759 at the Kitagawa no Shibai

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