Bandô Matajirô I

The actor Bandô Matazaemon I held the name of Bandô Matajirô I.

Bandô Matajirô II

The actor and zamoto Bandô Matakurô III held the name of Bandô Matajirô II from his childhood to the 10th lunar month of 1699.

Bandô Matajirô II (1st lunar month of 1693)

Bandô Matajirô III

The actor Bandô Matatarô II held the name of Bandô Matajirô III in his youth.

Bandô Matajirô IV

The actor and zamoto Morita Kan'ya IV held the name of Bandô Matajirô IV from the 11th lunar month of 1709 to Spring 1712.

Bandô Matajirô 4.5
Bandô Matajirô  In Japanese

A minor actor, who made an obscure career in Edo, then in Kamigata, held the name of Bandô Matajirô between 1814 and 1831. He was not acknowledged as an official member of the line.

Bandô Matajirô performing in the drama "Toki-ha Ima Gohiiki Yakko", which was staged in the 5th lunar month of 1815 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

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