Play title Keisei Yamato Zôshi  In Japanese
Theater Naka no Shibai
Producer Arashi Tanin
Playwrights Namiki Gohê, Namiki Jûsuke, Tsutsui Hanji

The new year ni-no-kawari "Keisei Yamato Zôshi" was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1784 in Ôsaka at Naka no Shibai with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Asao Tamejûrô I Wada Raihachi
2 Arashi Shichigorô II Momonoi Shuridayû
3 Yamashita Yaozô I Kitabatake Hamaogi
4 Arashi San'emon VI The koshimoto Matsugae
5 Onoe Shinshichi I Kitabatake Kazue-no-Kami
6 Bandô Iwagorô Kikyôya Saibê
7 Arashi Shinpei II The oshô of the Daianji Temple
8 Mimasu Daigorô II Futami Sehei
9 Arashi Sangorô II Kitabatake Yukienosuke
10 Sawamura Kunitarô I Komaki

Others roles: Arashi Sangorô II (Gunjibê's son Kondô Sukekuni), Arashi San'emon VI (the keisei Konohana), Arashi Shichigorô II (Kanzaemon's mother Higaki, Daiba no Niza), Asao Tamejûrô I (Kondô Gunjibê), Bandô Iwagorô (Hayashi Kenmotsu), Onoe Shinshichi I (Koshino Kanzaemon, the rônin Yôsuke), Sawamura Kunitarô I (Princess Yayoi, Osai) and Yamashita Yaozô I (the keisei Kachô).

Others actors: Nakamura Kyôjûrô II (Momonoi Senjirô, the servant Tôroku) and Onoe Ushinosuke I (Kanzaemon's daughter Oume).

The opening day was the 15th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Tenmei era (1784), which was the 5th of February 1784 in the western calendar.

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