Stage names:

Uemura Rokusaburô
Kamon Rokusaburô
Uemura Kamon Rokusaburô
Uemura Kamon

Existence: ???


Summer 1667: his name, Uemura Kamon, is recorded for the first time. He is a wakashugata performing in Edo.

1675: he becomes wakaonnagata.

1688: he performs at the Ichimuraza under the name of Uemura Kamon Rokusaburô as a kashagata.

1694: he takes the name of Kamon Rokusaburô.

1695: He takes the name of Uemura Rokusaburô. His rank in the Edo hyôbanki, kashagata section, is jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]. He shares the same rank with Yasuda Kichirôji.

1699: he performs at the Ichimuraza under the name of Kamon Rokusaburô.

1st lunar month of 1700: he takes back the name of Uemura Rokusaburô, playing at the Ichimuraza the role of Tomioka-no-Omuro in the new year drama "Keisei Hama no Masago".

1st lunar month of 1701: Rokusaburô plays at the Ichimuraza the role of Yamana-no-Omuro in the new year drama "Jitô Tennô Miyako Utsushi".

1st lunar month of 1702: Rokusaburô plays at the Ichimuraza in the new year drama. This is most likely his last stage appearance.


Uemura Rokusaburô was active in Edo from the middle of the Kanbun era to the end of the Genroku era. He was considered as the first kashagata of Kabuki history. He had absolutely no relationship to the Uemura Kichiya line of actors.

Uemura Rokusaburô

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