The actors Nakamura Kichiemon I (top/left), Nakamura Tokizô II (top/right), Nakamura Karoku III (center), Ichikawa Sadanji II (bottom/left) and Ichikawa Kodanji V (bottom/right) in April 1908 on the stage of the Meijiza performing the kôjô celebrating the shûmei of Nakamura Karoku III and Nakamura Tokizô II

Ichikawa Sadanji II playing the role of Ono no Sadakurô in the 5th act of "Kanadehon Chûshingura" (print made by Hanayama)

Ichikawa Sadanji II playing the role of Marubashi Chûya in the drama "Keian Taiheiki" (print made by Natori Shunsen)

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