Nakamura Tokizô I

Nakamura Karoku III held the name of Nakamura Tokizô I from the 1st lunar month of 1869 to March 1908.

Nakamura Tokizô I playing the role of Miuranosuke in the drama "Kamakura Sandaiki", which was staged in January 1881 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

Nakamura Tokizô II
Nakamura Tokizô II  In Japanese | Nakamura Kashô I  In Japanese | Nakamura Tanetarô II  In Japanese

Born in Ôsaka in 1876. Adopted son of Nakamura Tokizô I, he started his career in April 1884 and received the name of Nakamura Tanetarô II. He went with his adoptive father to Tôkyô and took the name of Nakamura Kashô I in March 1902 at the Meijiza. In April 1908, Nakamura Tokizô I and Nakamura Kashô I took the respective names of Nakamura Karoku III and Nakamura Tokizô II at the Meijiza [picture]. This actor was a talented onnagata and nimaime but he unfortunately died too young, the 18th of September 1909.

Nakamura Tokizô II in April 1908 at the Meijiza

Nakamura Tokizô III

Nakamura Tokizô III held this name from April 1916 to July 1959.

The actor Nakamura Tokizô III portraying Oginoya Yaegiri in the drama "Komochi Yamanba" in a print made by Natori Shunsen

Nakamura Tokizô IV

The actor Nakamura Tokizô IV held this name from April 1960 to January 1962.

Nakamura Tokizô IV playing the role of the Sugi sakaya musume Omiwa in the drama "Mikasayama Goten"

Nakamura Tokizô V

The actor Nakamura Manju held the name of Nakamura Tokizô V from June 1981 to May 2024.

The actor Nakamura Tokizô V playing the role of Princess Sarashina in the dance "Momijigari" in an illustration made by Sugimura Yoshikazu (1962~1998)

Nakamura Tokizô VI

The actor Nakamura Tokizô VI is the current holder of the name since June 2024.

The mon of Nakamura Tokizô VI

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