Stage names:

Nakamura Tokizô VI In Japanese
Nakamura Baishi IV In Japanese

Real name: Ogawa Yoshiharu

Guild: Yorozuya

Line number: ROKUDAIME (VI)

Birthday: 22 November 1987


Great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku I

Great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku III

Great-grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô III

Grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô IV

Father: Nakamura Manju (Nakamura Tokizô V)

Brother: Nakamura Mantarô

Son: Nakamura Baishi V


June 1991: first stage appearance (omemie), at the Kabukiza where he played the role of Tsurunosuke in the drama "Ninjô Ura Nagaya".

June 1994: debut on stage (hatsubutai) at the Kabukiza, where the 32nd anniversary (33rd memorial service) of the passing away of Nakamura Tokizô IV was celebrated; he received the name of Nakamura Baishi IV, playing the roles of Chôbê's son Chômatsu and a young traveller in the play "Yudono no Chôbê" and the dance "Michiyuki Tabiji no Yomeiri"; the role of Chôbê was played by Yorozuya Kinnosuke.

October 1996: Baishi played at the Kabukiza the role of Tsuruchiyo in the drama "Meiboku Sendai Hagi"; the roles of Masaoka, Yashio and Masaoka's son Senmatsu were played by Nakamura Jakuemon IV, Kataoka Takao and Nakamura Mantarô.

February 2000: special kodomo shibai dance program to end the evening program at the Kabukiza; Baishi played the role of Maizuru in the dance "Kusazuribiki"; the role of Maizuru was played by his brother Nakamura Mantarô.

January 2008: revival at the National Theatre of Sakurada Jisuke I's kaomise drama "Komachi-mura Shibai no Shôgatsu"; Baishi played the role of Princess Katori [more details].

September 2009: short Kabuki tour in Monaco for the Naritaya guild; Baishi played the role of a butterfly spirit in the dance-drama "Kagami Jishi" [more details].

January 2010: revival at the National Theatre of Namiki Gohei's long-forgotten drama "Keisei Kogane no Shachihoko", which was revised and entitled "Asahi-ni Kagayaku Kin no Shachihoko"; it was staged to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of the establishment of the city of Nagoya; Baishi played the role of Princess Ashikaga Kuni [more details | casting].

January 2014: premiere at the National Theatre of "Sanzen Ryô Haru no Komahiki", a revival of Tatsuoka Mansaku's 1794 drama "Keisei Haru no Tori"; Baishi played the role of Tôemon's daughter Otoyo [more details].

May 2018: 16th edition of the Cocoon Kabuki [more details].

January 2019: revival at the National Theatre of Namiki Gohei I's 1779 drama "Sode Nikki Banshû Meguri"; this Otowaya-powered revision was entitled "Himeji-jô Oto-ni Kiku Sono Ishizue"; Baishi played the roles of Momonoi Kogajirô, Momonoi Yaegikumaru and the koshimoto Okiku (in reality Momonoi Yaegikumaru) [casting | more details].

June 2024: great shûmei at the Kabukiza for the Yorozuya guild; Nakamura Tokizô V and Nakamura Baishi IV respectively took the names of Nakamura Manju and Nakamura Tokizô VI [more details]. Tokizô played the roles of the Sugi sakaya musume Omiwa and the koshimoto Shiragiku in "Mikasayama Goten" and "Yamanba". It was also the hatsubutai of his son Nakamura Baishi V and Nakamura Shidô II's sons Nakamura Haruki and Nakamura Natsuki.


Nakamura Tokizô VI is a promising young onnagata actor of the Yorozuya guild.

The mon of Nakamura Tokizô VI

Prints & Illustrations

The Nakamura Baishi line of actors

The Nakamura Tokizô line of actors

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