JUNE 2024

3 shows in Tôkyô (Kabukiza, Sunpearl Arakawa), 2 in Fukuoka (Hakataza), 1 in Nagoya (Misonoza), 1 in Kyôto (Minamiza), 1 in Ôsaka (Shôchikuza), 1 in Yokohama (Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center Momijizaka Hall), 1 in Shizuoka (Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center Granship) and 1 tour (Shôchiku Special Kabuki Tour)!

  • Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Living National Treasure Kataoka Nizaemon, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Manju, Nakamura Shikan, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Nakamura Shidô, Nakamura Tokizô, Onoe Shôroku, Kataoka Takatarô, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Hayato, Bandô Minosuke, Nakamura Kotarô, Bandô Kamezô and Nakamura Mantarô perform at the Kabukiza!
  • Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Bandô Yajûrô, Nakamura Senjaku, Onoe Matsuya and Onoe Ukon perform at the Hakataza!
  • Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô performs at the Misonoza and at the Minamiza!
  • Nakamura Ganjirô and Ichikawa Komazô perform at the Sunpearl Arakawa, Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center Momijizaka Hall and Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center Granship!
  • Ichikawa Chûsha, Ichikawa Danko, Ichikawa Monnosuke, Nakamura Kazutarô and the Omodakaya guild perform at the Shôchikuza!
  • Nakamura Shidô is on tour!
  • Kabukiza (Tôkyô)
    Dates 1 ~ 24 June 2024
    Rokugatsu Ôkabuki
    June Grand Kabuki

    Jôshû Miyage Hyakuryô Kubi

    Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
    (Hototogisu Hana Aru Sato)

    Imoseyama Onna Teikin
    (Mikasayama Goten)


    Nansô Satomi Hakkenden (Maruzukayama)


    Shin Sarayashiki Tsuki no Amagasa
    (Sakanaya Sôgorô)


    Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Living National Treasure Kataoka Nizaemon, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Manju, Nakamura Shikan, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Nakamura Shidô, Nakamura Tokizô, Onoe Shôroku, Kataoka Takatarô, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Hayato, Bandô Minosuke, Nakamura Kotarô, Bandô Kamezô, Nakamura Mantarô, Nakamura Yonekichi, Nakamura Kashô, Nakamura Tanenosuke, Nakamura Hashinosuke, Ichikawa Somegorô, Ichimura Manjirô, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô, Matsumoto Kingo, Onoe Sakon, Ichikawa Otora, Nakamura Baishi, Nakamura Haruki, Nakamura Natsuki


    The 2 programs for the June Grand Kabuki at the Kabukiza with important events for the Yorozuya guild:

  • Shûmei: Nakamura Tokizô V and his son Nakamura Baishi IV take the names of Nakamura Manju and Nakamura Tokizô VI. The new Tokizô plays the role of Omiwa in "Mikasayama Goten". The new Manju plays the role of Yamanba in the eponymous dance-drama. Interesting to note that the name Manju, in which the ideogram for man is the same as yorozu in Nakamura Tokizô's yagô Yorozuya, was not an old haimyô used by ancestors of Nakamura Tokizô. It was created by the actor and there is a hint at the Manju Era, which started the 19th of August 1024, almost 1000 years ago.
  • Hatsubutai: Nakamura Tokizô's grandson and Nakamura Baishi's son Ogawa Hiroharu (born the 28th of October 2015) makes his hatsubutai and receive the name of Nakamura Baishi V. He performs with his grandfather in "Yamanba". Nakamura Shidô's sons Ogawa Haruki (born the 18th of December 2017) and Ogawa Natsuki (born the 27th of June 2020) also make their hatsubutai and receive the names of Nakamura Haruki and Nakamura Natsuki. They play the roles of decchi in "Sakanaya Sôgorô" (the role of Sôgorô is played by their father Nakamura Shidô).
  • Jôshû Miyage Hyakuryô Kubi: this modern play was made famous early in the 20th century by Onoe Kikugorô VI and Nakamura Kichiemon I. Two childhood friends, Itaba no Shôtarô (Nakamura Shidô) and Buraikan Gajirô (Onoe Kikunosuke) meet for the first time in fifteen years. One prides himself on his skill as a pickpocket, the other has always been very clumsy. The clever pickpocket steals his friend's purse, only to find that there is nothing in it and that his clumsy friend has stolen his purse instead. The two meet again and decide to live honestly and vow to meet again in ten years. The play shows the lives of the two during the turbulent final years of the Tokugawa regime. Featuring also Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Ichimura Manjirô, Nakamura Hayato & Nakamura Yonekichi.
  • Hototogisu Hana Aru Sato:
    ('A Cuckoo in a Field of Flowers')
    Minamoto no Yoshitsune (Nakamura Matagorô) and his retainers are on their way from Daimotsu Bay to Mt. Yoshino, and rest here along the road to Yamato Province. Miyoshino (Kataoka Takatarô), a shirabyôshi court dancer, and Tanekichi (Nakamura Tanenosuke), a puppet player, pass by. Each dances in a lively manner and comforts Yoshitsune. This is a lively dance accompanied by the Nagauta lyrical ensemble. Featuring also Ichikawa Somegorô as Washio Saburô.
  • Mikasayama Goten: a fantastic Kabuki period play showing intrigues in the imperial court in the earliest days of Japan. The dictator Soga no Iruka has set up his own court and now seeks to destroy his opponent Kamatari. A mysterious fisherman named Fukashichi (Onoe Shôroku) comes as a messenger from Kamatari, claiming to bring a message of surrender. Meanwhile, Iruka's younger sister, Princess Tachibana (Nakamura Shichinosuke) has fallen in love with a handsome young man named Motome (Nakamura Manju). But Motome is actually the son of Kamatari and says that he will only grant her love if she will cut off Iruka's head. Moreover, a country girl named Omiwa (Nakamura Tokizô) has also followed Motome. Omiwa's blood and the work of all these people combined are what is necessary to finally defeat the magical powers of the evil Iruka. Featuring also Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Nakamura Shidô, Nakamura Hayato, Nakamura Kashô, Nakamura Manju & Nakamura Tanenosuke as the kanjo bullying Omiwa. Featuring also as a guest star Living National Treasure Kataoka Nizaemon in the role of Omura, a woman buying bean curd.
  • Maruzukayama: The original novel is an immense epic by the 19th century novelist Kyokutei Bakin, which was published over many years, eventually reaching 106 volumes. The Satomi clan is being attacked, and its lord offers his daughter Princess Fuse as a reward for bringing the head of his enemy to him. However, the one to kill and behead the enemy happens to be his loyal dog. Saying that her father must not go back on his word, Princess Fuse departs with the dog. Nevertheless, the Satomi clan is defeated and one of its loyal retainers goes to rescue Princess Fuse. He shoots the dog, but unfortunately shoots Princess Fuse as well. The eight crystal beads of her rosary, each engraved with the Chinese character of one of the Confucian virtues, scatter through the air and go flying in all directions. Miraculously, each will be found with a newborn baby. These eight children all have the Chinese character inu (dog) in their names, and eventually meet and join together to restore the Satomi clan. A scene from this story, "Maruzukayama", will be staged this month. In this act, the eight children meet and fight against each other, not knowing their bond. Starring Nakamura Kashô (Inuyama Dôsetsu), Nakamura Tanenosuke (Inumura Kakutarô), Nakamura Kotarô (Inusaka Keno), Ichikawa Somegorô (Inukawa Sôsuke), Onoe Sakon (Inue Shinbê), Nakamura Hashinosuke (Inuta Kobungo), Nakamura Yonekichi (Inuzuka Shino) & Bandô Minosuke (Inukai Genpachi).
  • Yamanba:
    (Mountain Witch)
    Raised by a mountain witch (Nakamura Manju), Kaidômaru (Nakamura Baishi) has grown up quickly on Mt. Ashigara. The mountain witch and Kaidômaru encounter a woodcutter (Nakamura Shikan) in the mountains now covered in beautiful autumn leaves. He is, in reality, Mita no Tsugou who has been ordered by his lord Minamoto no Raikô (Nakamura Shidô) to seek out those warriors who deserve to be his lord’s retainers. He appreciates Kaidômaru's ability and decides to employ the boy in the capital as his lord’s retainer. Featuring also Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Nakamura Tokizô & Nakamura Manju.
  • Sakanaya Sôgorô: Sôgorô (Nakamura Shidô), a fish seller, has taken a vow to not drink, but when he learns about his sister's unjust murder at the hands of a daimyô lord, a death that they were told was execution for her wrongdoing, he starts to drink again. Drunk, he storms into the lord's mansion to seek an apology. This play by Meiji playwright Kawatake Mokuami is known for its realistic portrayal of members of the common class during the Edo period and highlights their fierce pride and frustration at the privileges of the dominant samurai class. Featuring also Nakamura Kaishun, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Kataoka Takatarô, Onoe Shôroku, Bandô Kamezô, Nakamura Hayato, Nakamura Manju & Kawarasaki Gonjûrô.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Hakataza (Fukuoka)
    Dates 2 ~ 17 June 2024
    Rokugatsu Hakataza Ôkabuki
    June Hakataza Grand Kabuki

    Shuzenji Monogatari

    Migawari Zazen

    Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (Ninokuchi-mura)


    Tôkaidô Yotsuya Kaidan


    Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Bandô Yajûrô, Nakamura Senjaku, Onoe Matsuya, Onoe Ukon, Bandô Shingo, Nakamura Takanosuke, Nakamura Kangyoku, Nakamura Toranosuke, Nakamura Tamatarô


    The traditional two programs for the June Grand Kabuki at the Hakataza.

  • Shuzenji Monogatari: a mask carver (Bandô Yajûrô) has been ordered to make a portrait of Yoriie (Onoe Matsuya), the second Shôgun, but despairs of his artistic powers because no matter how many times he tries, the mask always shows the signs of death. But finally he learns that the mask holds the secrets of the tragic fate of Yoriie and his own daughter Katsura (Bandô Shingo). This modern play by Okamoto Kidô is probably the greatest classic of New Kabuki (Shinkabuki), a perfect blend of the technique of old Kabuki and modern ideas of drama.
  • Migawari Zazen: a dance play adopted from a classical kyôgen farce. A man (Onoe Matsuya) wants nothing more than to visit his lover Hanako, but he has one important problem, his homely and overbearing wife (Bandô Yajûrô). He creates a scheme saying that he will be practicing Zen meditation all night and has his servant (Onoe Ukon) take his place while he visits Hanako. He returns, giddy from a night of pleasure and tells his story to his servant in dance, unaware that his wife has discovered his deception and has taken his servant's place.
  • Ninokuchi-mura: in the pleasure quarters, the most important possessions were money and reputation. In danger of losing his lover, the courtesan Umegawa (Nakamura Senjaku), the money courier Chûbê (Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku) breaks the seals on a package of money entrusted to him after being taunted by a rival, even though the use of such money is punishable by death. In this scene, on their way to love suicide, the couple go through the snow covered landscape on their way to the man's home town where they will meet their end. Featuring also Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku in the role of Chûbê's father Magoemon.
  • Yotsuya Kaidan: Tamiya Iemon, a villainous masterless samurai (Onoe Matsuya) is in love with Oiwa (Onoe Ukon) and even kills her father Yotsuya Samon to be united with her, cynically promising to help her to avenge her father's death. But at the same time, the granddaughter of a wealthy doctor falls in love with him and her grandfather tries to ensure the match by sending a horrible disfiguring poison to Oiwa. In the most famous scene of the play, face destroyed, hair falling out, Oiwa carefully dresses and puts on make-up to pay a proper visit to those who have wronged her. Iemon kills Oiwa and his servant Kobotoke Kohei (Onoe Ukon), has their bodies nailed to a door and thrown into the river. Iemon is happily married into the wealthy family, but no sooner does the beautiful young bride arrive than Oiwa's ghost causes Iemon to kill her. The vengeful ghosts do not rest until all of their enemies are dead and, in another famous scene, Oiwa and Kohei appear floating on the river, calling out to Iemon. The concluding scene shows the ghost of Oiwa appearing mysteriously from inside a paper lantern and pulling her enemies into the wall and disappearing magically. Featuring Bandô Shingo, Onoe Ukon and Bandô Yajûrô in the roles of Oiwa's sister Osode, Satô Yomoshichi and Naosuke Gonbê.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Misonoza (Nagoya)
    Dates 1 ~ 9 June 2024
    Bandô Tamasaburô Tokubetsu Kôen
    Bandô Tamasaburô Special Performances

    Kaidan Botan Dôrô


    Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Kataoka Ainosuke, Kamimura Kichiya, Nakamura Kichinojô, Nakamura Kamenojô


    A special program starring the amazing Living National Treasure onnagata Bandô Tamasaburô in Nagoya at the Misonoza.

  • Botan Dôrô: one of the most famous ghost stories in Japan shows the ghost of a beautiful young girl who visits the man she loves nightly, her way lit by a lantern decorated with peonies. The clatter of her wooden clogs announces her appearance, “…karannn…koronnnn…” Originally a Chinese story, it became a Japanese classic when it was transformed into a long rakugo story by San'yûtei Enchô (1839~1900). Otsuyu the daughter of a samurai family falls in love with a young samurai named Shinzaburô (Nakamura Kichinojô), but she falls sick and dies when he stops visiting her. Her ghost begins to visit him nightly preceded by the ghost of her nursemaid carrying a lantern decorated with peonies and he welcomes these meetings, not realizing that she is dead. But a priest sees the signs of death and protects Shinzaburô with holy amulets and a powerful Buddhist statue. The ghosts then bribe Shinzaburô’s greedy servant Tomozô (Kataoka Ainosuke) and his wife Omine (Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô) to take the amulets away. The result is that Shinzaburô is killed by the ghosts and Tomozô and Omine run away with the money. But the money doesn’t bring them happiness. This version of the story is not just a tale of ghosts, but shows human treachery and the revolving ironies of fate.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Minamiza (Kyôto)
    Dates 12 ~ 26 June 2024
    Bandô Tamasaburô Tokubetsu Kôen
    Bandô Tamasaburô Special Performances


    Akoya Kaisetsu

    Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki (Akoya)


    Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Nakamura Kichinojô, Kataoka Senjirô, Bandô Kôichi


    A special program starring the amazing Living National Treasure onnagata Bandô Tamasaburô in Kyôto at the Minamiza.

  • Kôjô: the close relationship between the actors and the audience is shown by stage announcements, usually lavish ceremonies to commemorate various important events. This month in Kyôto at the Minamiza, it is a stage speech delivered by Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô.
  • Akoya Kaisetsu: explanation made on stage by Kataoka Senjirô about the main role and the story of "Akoya".
  • Akoya: the courtesan Akoya is the wife of the fugitive general Kagekiyo and has been captured and will be tortured until she reveals his whereabouts. But she claims not to know. The wise Shigetada (Nakamura Kichinojô) puts Akoya to a test, all the time hindered by his companion, the humorous villain Iwanaga (Kataoka Senjirô). Shigetada forces Akoya to play several instruments since the slightest disturbance in the sound would indicate that she is lying. A showpiece for an onnagata who must actually play the koto, the bowed kokyû and the shamisen flawlessly as part of the drama. Starring Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô as Akoya.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Sunpearl Arakawa (Tôkyô)
    Dates 1 ~ 21 June 2024
    Rokugatsu Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitsu
    June Kabuki Appreciation Class

    Kabuki no Mikata

    Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (Fûin Giri)


    Nakamura Ganjirô, Ichikawa Komazô, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Kikaku, Nakamura Jûjirô, Nakamura Gansei


    Educational program at the Sunpearl Arakawa, instead of the at the National Theatre (rebuilding ongoing), called Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitu ("Kabuki Appreciation Class"). This is the 105th edition and a very interesting formula for the beginners because there is lively presentation on stage (Kabuki no Mikata) of Kabuki or some aspects of the art like music, stage tricks or fighting scenes. It is followed by "Fûin Giri".

  • Fûin Giri:
    (Breaking the Seals)
    In the pleasure quarters, the most important possessions were money and reputation. In danger of losing his lover, the courtesan Umegawa, the money courier Kameya Chûbê breaks the seals on a package of money entrusted to him after being taunted by a rival, even though the use of such money is punishable by death. Starring Nakamura Ganjirô as Chûbê, Ichikawa Komazô as Umegawa, Nakamura Kikaku as Chûbê's treacherous friend Tanbaya Hachiemon, Bandô Hikosaburô as as Tsuchiya Jiemon and Nakamura Gansei as Oen, the proprietress of the teahouse.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Shôchikuza (Ôsaka)
    Dates 6 ~ 23 June 2024

    Yamato Takeru


    Ichikawa Chûsha, Ichikawa Danko, Ichikawa Monnosuke, Nakamura Kazutarô, Ichikawa En'ya, Ichikawa Emisaburô, Ichikawa Emiya, Ichikawa Juen, Ichikawa Seiko, Nakamura Fukunosuke, Nakamura Utanosuke, Arashi Kitsusaburô, Kashima Noritoshi


    Revival of the famous Sûpâ Kabuki drama "Yamato Takeru", a classic of the Omodakaya guild, in Ôsaka at the Shôchikuza. In the absence of Ichikawa Ennosuke, the eponymous role of Yamato Takeru is played by Ichikawa Ennosuke III's grandson Ichikawa Danko.

  • Yamato Takeru: One of twin brothers, Prince Ousu (Ichikawa Danko), attempts to admonish his brother, Prince Ôusu (Ichikawa Danko), who is plotting rebellion. However, in his attempt to restrain his brother, Prince Ousu accidentally takes his life. Unaware of the circumstances, their father, the Emperor (Ichikawa Chûsha), becomes enraged and orders Prince Ousu to embark on a campaign to subdue the Kumaso people who refuse to submit to Yamato. The wife of Prince Ôusu, Princess Etachibana (Nakamura Kazutarô), pursues Prince Ousu as her husband's avenger. However, as she discovers Osu’s pure and gentle heart, she begins to admire him and eventually develops feelings for him, despite their initial adversarial relationship. Having arrived in Kumaso, Prince Osu successfully defeats the Takeru brothers, the leaders of the Kumaso, and in recognition of his bravery, he is bestowed with the name "Yamato Takeru" by the Kumaso Takeru. Joyfully returning to Yamato, Takeru finds that the Emperor still has not forgiven him, and he is now tasked with a campaign to subdue the Ezo people. Accompanied by the Great Lord Takehiko (Nakamura Fukunosuke), the journey is fraught with difficulties. Takeru is commanded to defeat the mountain deity on Mount Ibuki. This his final expedition. Takeru is attacked by a giant white boar (the manifestation of the mountain deity). He kills the boar but is cursed by a female demon and falls ill. On his return trip, Takeru dies while lamenting his long separation from and his longing for his wife Princess Ototachibana (Nakamura Kazutarô).
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Shôchiku Special Kabuki Tour
    Dates 30 June ~ 31 July 2024
    Shôchiku Tokubetsu Kabuki
    Shôchiku Special Kabuki

    Nakamura Shidô no HOW TO Kabuki


    Tomo Yakko

    Hashi Benkei


    Nakamura Shidô, Nakamura Tanenosuke, Sawamura Kuniya, Nakamura Chôichi, Nakamura Chôshi, Nakamura Haruki


    A Shôchiku Special Kabuki Summer Tour led by Nakamura Shidô.

  • HOW TO Kabuki: a talk on stage about Kabuki by Nakamura Shidô.
  • Sayaate: This famous act is set in the main avenue of the Yoshiwara Pleasure Quarters where cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Two men appear: Fuwa Banzaemon (Nakamura Chôshi) in a haori coat patterned with a design of lightning bolts, and Nagoya Sanza (Sawamura Kuniya), dressed in a short-sleeved kimono and a haori coat with a pattern of swallows in the rain. After their scabbards brush against each other as they pass, they begin arguing and draw their swords, but the proprietress of a teahouse (Nakamura Chôshi) mediates between them.
  • Tomo Yakko: a samurai footman rushes after his master in the pleasure quarters, but loses sight of him. He dances with pride in his master and enjoys his dance so much that he begins emphasizing it with vigorous foot stamping. Starring Nakamura Tanenosuke in the role of the yakko.
  • Hashi Benkei:
    (Benkei on the Bridge)
    There are many legends about Benkei, the warrior-priest who was the faithful companion of the general Yoshitsune. This dance shows the first meeting of Benkei and Yoshitsune. Benkei goes nightly to the bridge at the Fifth Avenue of Kyôto, defeating men night after night and taking their swords. Finally he encounters a delicate young man that he thinks will be an easy opponent, but is defeated himself instead. This young man was Yoshitsune, under his childhood name of Ushiwakamaru. Benkei is so impressed that he becomes Yoshitsune’s retainer, right there and then. Starring Nakamura Shidô as Benkei and his son Nakamura Haruki as Ushiwakamaru.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center Momijizaka Hall (Yokohama)
    Dates 23 ~ 24 June 2024
    Rokugatsu Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitsu
    June Kabuki Appreciation Class

    Kabuki no Mikata

    Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (Fûin Giri)


    Nakamura Ganjirô, Ichikawa Komazô, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Kikaku, Nakamura Jûjirô, Nakamura Gansei


    Educational program in Yokohama at the Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center Momijizaka Hall, instead of the at the National Theatre (rebuilding ongoing), called Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitu ("Kabuki Appreciation Class"). This is the 105th edition and a very interesting formula for the beginners because there is lively presentation on stage (Kabuki no Mikata) of Kabuki or some aspects of the art like music, stage tricks or fighting scenes. It is followed by "Fûin Giri".

  • Fûin Giri:
    (Breaking the Seals)
    In the pleasure quarters, the most important possessions were money and reputation. In danger of losing his lover, the courtesan Umegawa, the money courier Kameya Chûbê breaks the seals on a package of money entrusted to him after being taunted by a rival, even though the use of such money is punishable by death. Starring Nakamura Ganjirô as Chûbê, Ichikawa Komazô as Umegawa, Nakamura Kikaku as Chûbê's treacherous friend Tanbaya Hachiemon, Bandô Hikosaburô as as Tsuchiya Jiemon and Nakamura Gansei as Oen, the proprietress of the teahouse.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center Granship (Shizuoka)
    Dates 26 June 2024
    Rokugatsu Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitsu
    June Kabuki Appreciation Class

    Kabuki no Mikata

    Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (Fûin Giri)


    Nakamura Ganjirô, Ichikawa Komazô, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Kikaku, Nakamura Jûjirô, Nakamura Gansei


    Educational program in Shizuoka at the Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center Granship, instead of the at the National Theatre (rebuilding ongoing), called Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitu ("Kabuki Appreciation Class"). This is the 105th edition and a very interesting formula for the beginners because there is lively presentation on stage (Kabuki no Mikata) of Kabuki or some aspects of the art like music, stage tricks or fighting scenes. It is followed by "Fûin Giri".

  • Fûin Giri:
    (Breaking the Seals)
    In the pleasure quarters, the most important possessions were money and reputation. In danger of losing his lover, the courtesan Umegawa, the money courier Kameya Chûbê breaks the seals on a package of money entrusted to him after being taunted by a rival, even though the use of such money is punishable by death. Starring Nakamura Ganjirô as Chûbê, Ichikawa Komazô as Umegawa, Nakamura Kikaku as Chûbê's treacherous friend Tanbaya Hachiemon, Bandô Hikosaburô as as Tsuchiya Jiemon and Nakamura Gansei as Oen, the proprietress of the teahouse.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

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