Dance title Nijirigaki Nanatsu Iroha  In Japanese
Common titles Tomo Yakko  In Japanese
Shikan Yakko  In Japanese
Authors Segawa Jokô II (lyrics)
Kineya Saburôsuke IV (music)

The actor Nakamura Shikan II performed in the 3rd lunar month of 1828 at the Nakamuraza a 7-role hengemono, which was entitled "Nijirigaki Nanatsu Iroha". One of these seven roles, a yakko, survived* and became the dance "Tomo Yakko". As it was performed by Nakamura Shikan II, it is also sometimes staged under the title "Shikan Yakko".

(*) Another role has survived: "Keisei".

Key words Ashibyôshi
Tomo Yakko

In this dance, the yakko is late in leaving the mansion and therefore, can not travel as his master's attendant. On his way from the fields of Asakusa to the Yoshiwara District, the yakko mimics his master by wearing a thick, padded kimono that his master likes to wear, and riding a palanquin, all the while keeping beat to the rhythm with his feet.

Source: Nihon Buyô


As the role was first performed by the star Nakamura Shikan II, it is still a custom to use his mon (gion mamori) on the paper lantern held by the yakko.

The actor Nakamura Shikan II performing the role of a yakko in the hengemono "Nijirigaki Nanatsu Iroha", which was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1828 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

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