Stage name:

Ichikawa En'ya II In Japanese

Real name: Kusumi Yoshihiro

Guild: Omodakaya

Line number: NIDAIME (II)

Birthday: 15 August 1967


Master: Ichikawa En'ô II (Ichikawa Ennosuke III)


January 1975: he makes his first appearance on stage at the Kabukiza; he plays a schoolboy role in the scene "Terakoya" of the drama "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami".

January 1978: he becomes heyago of the star Ichikawa Ennosuke III.

May 1978: he takes the name of Ichikawa En'ya II at the Minamiza, playing the role of Shigaichi in the drama "Kagamiyama Gonichi no Iwafuji" and a kamuro role in the play "Sukeroku".

January 1995: En'ya takes part in the 14th Kabuki performances at the Asakusa Kôkaidô to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Shôchiku Company [more details].

July 1998: En'ya becomes nadai and plays the role of Musashibô Benkei in the classic "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura", which is staged at the Kabukiza.

January 2000: En'ya plays at the Kabukiza the role of Hayami no Tôta in the "Yoshinoyama" scene of the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura".

December 2000: premiere at the Kabukiza of "Kaka Saiyûki", Ichikawa Ennosuke III's version of Kawatake Shinshichi III's 1878 drama "Tsûzoku Saiyûki" (Kaka is the haimyô of Ichikawa Ennosuke III); En'ya plays the role of Cho Hakkai [casting].

October 2003: revival at the National Theatre with the Omodakaya guild of Nagawa Kamesuke I's drama "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari"; En'ya plays the roles of Naidaijin Akinobu and Nyôhachi [casting].

January 2008: revival at the Shinbashi Enbujô of "Narukami Fudô Kitayama Zakura", which celebrates the 1070th anniversary of the Narita-san Temple, where the Deity Fudô Myôô is worshipped; En'ya plays the role of Yamagami Kanzô [casting].


Ichikawa En'ya II is a young tachiyaku of the Omodakaya guild.

The Ichikawa En'ya line of actors

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