Stage name:

Nakamura Baishi V In Japanese

Real name: Ogawa Hiroharu

Guild: Yorozuya

Line number: GODAIME (V)

Birthday: 28 October 2015


Great-great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku I

Great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku III

Great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô III

Great-grandfather: Nakamura Tokizô IV

Grandfather: Nakamura Manju (Nakamura Tokizô V)

Father: Nakamura Tokizô VI


November 2020: first stage appearance (omemie), at the National Theatre, where he played the role of the child Yasomatsu in "Keya-mura" [more details].

June 2024: great shûmei at the Kabukiza for the Yorozuya guild; Nakamura Tokizô V and Nakamura Baishi IV respectively took the names of Nakamura Manju and Nakamura Tokizô VI [more details]. He made his hatsubutai and received the name of Nakamura Baishi V, playing the roles of Kaidômaru (later Sakata Kintoki) and the Omura musume Ohiro in "Yamanba" and "Mikasayama Goten". It was also the hatsubutai of Nakamura Shidô II's sons Nakamura Haruki and Nakamura Natsuki.


Nakamura Baishi V is the young heir of the Yorozuya guild.

The mon of Nakamura Baishi V

The Nakamura Baishi line of actors

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