Nakamura Seigorô I
Nakamura Seigorô I  In Japanese | Hanasaki Shichijûrô  In Japanese

Born in 1664. Disciple of Nakamura Kanzaburô II, he started his career in Edo, performing under the name of Hanasaki Shichijûrô. Only one record, in 1692 in the Edo hyôbanki. He took the name of Nakamura Seigorô I during the Genroku era. He became sakusha in 1698. He worked in the 11th lunar month of 1706 at the Nakamuraza on the kaomise drama "Uji Genji Yumihari-zuki", which welcomed in Edo the Kamigata actors Fujimura Handayû II and Yoshioka Motome II. He died the 24th day of the 1st lunar month of 1707 [1].

The name of Nakamura Seigorô I in the 1704 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Nakamura Seigorô II

The sakusha Nakamura Seigorô II held this name from the 3rd lunar month of 1707 to the 9th lunar month of 1717.

The name of Nakamura Seigorô II in the last page of the eiri kyôgenbon for the drama "Onna Mikado Aigo no Waka" (1707)

Nakamura Seigorô III

The actor Nakamura Shirogorô VII held the name of Nakamura Seigorô III from July 1964 to March 1976.

The mon of Nakamura Seigorô III (the ginkgo tree)



[1] The 24th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Hôei era was the 26th of February 1707 in the western calendar.

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