Ichikawa Sumizô I

Matsumoto Kôshirô V never held the name of Ichikawa Sumizô I with the usual ideograms for the first name but he was considered as the first holder of the name. As a child actor, he was named Ichikawa Sumizô I between 1st lunar month of 1770 and the 10th lunar month of 1772 with the following ideograms for the first name:

Ichikawa Sumizô II's Sumizô Standard Sumizô
純蔵 寿美蔵

The name of Ichikawa Sumizô I in the 1772 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Ichikawa Sumizô II
Ichikawa Sumizô II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Son of Matsumoto Kôshirô V, he was listed as a koyaku actor in the 1825 Edo hyôbanki. No record afterwards. Just like his father, the sumi part of his first name was differently written:

Ichikawa Sumizô II's Sumizô Standard Sumizô
純蔵 寿美蔵

The name of Ichikawa Sumizô II in the 1825 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Ichikawa Sumizô III

The actor Ichikawa Sumizô III held this name from the 8th lunar month of 1830 to the 2nd lunar month of 1837.

Ichikawa Sumizô III (back) and his master Ichikawa Danjûrô VII (front) at the Kawarasakiza in the 8th lunar month of 1830 (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

Ichikawa Sumizô IV

The actor Ichikawa Raizô V held the name of Ichikawa Sumizô IV from the 2nd lunar month of 1858 to the 12th lunar month of 1858.

The name of Ichikawa Sumizô IV in the 1859 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Ichikawa Sumizô V
  The actor Ichikawa Sumizô V held this name from November 1878 to May 1906.

Ichikawa Sumizô V playing the role of Benkei in the dance-drama "Kanjinchô"

Ichikawa Sumizô VI

The actor Ichikawa Jukai III held the name of Ichikawa Sumizô VI from March 1907 to January 1949.

Ichikawa Sumizô VI playing the role of Jûbê in the drama "Numazu", which was staged in September 1941 at the Tôkyô Gekijô

Ichikawa Sumizô VII

The actor Ichikawa Sumizô VII held this name from February 1949 to March 1985.

The mon of Ichikawa Sumizô VII

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