Dance title Suô Otoshi  In Japanese
Authors Fukuchi Ôchi (lyrics)
Kineya Shôjirô III/Tsurusawa Yasutarô (music)
Fujima Kan'emon II (choreography)

The dance-drama "Suô Otoshi" was premiered in October 1892 at the Kabukiza. It was a kyôgen (comical farce in the theater) adapted for Kabuki by Fukuchi Ôchi with a Nagauta/Gidayû musical accompaniment written by Kineya Shôjirô III (Nagauta) and Tsurusawa Yasutarô (Gidayû). The premiere starred Ichikawa Danjûrô IX and Nakamura Fukusuke IV in the roles of Tarôkaja and the Princess.

Key words Matsubamemono
Shin Kabuki Jûhachiban

"Suô Otoshi" is a lively and amusing comic kyôgen dance about a servant, Tarôkaja, who visits a relative in place of his master. There he meets a princess, who plies him with drink and he in turn entertains her with a dance about a battle, while he steadily becomes more and more inebriated. Finally, she gives him a coat as a gift, but fearing his stingy master will make him part with it, he tries to hide it. However, he drops it and the master and another servant tease him over it.

Courtesy of Jean Wilson (1999)

The actors Onoe Eizaburô VI, Onoe Kikugorô VI, Ichikawa Komazô VIII and Ichikawa Metora II playing the roles of the sword-holding child, the Lord, Tarôkaja and the Princess in the dance-drama "Suô Otoshi", which was staged in May 1903 at the Kabukiza (print made by Kôchôrô Hôsai)

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