The actor Sawamura Sôjûrô I in a print made by Okumura Toshinobu between 1723 and 1729

Ichikawa Danjûrô II (left) and Sawamura Sôjûrô I (right) playing the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune and Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Yuzuriha Gongen Soga", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1727 at the Nakamuraza

Sawamura Sôjûrô I (left) and Ôtani Hiroji I (right) playing the roles of Gokuin Sen'emon and Hotei Ichiemon in the drama "Meigetsu Gonin Otoko" ('Five men under the August moon'), which was staged in Fall 1730 at the Nakamuraza [more details]

Ogino Izaburô I (top/left), Sawamura Sôjûrô I (bottom/center) and Sanjô Kantarô II (top/right) playing the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune, Kyô no Jirô and Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the dance "Kosode Moyô" within the new year sogamono drama "Jûhakkô Imayô Soga", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1734 at the Nakamuraza

The actors Sawamura Sôjûrô I and Anegawa Chiyosaburô I playing the roles of Fuwa Banzaemon and the courtesan Katsuragi in a print made by Torii Kiyonobu II in 1736 or 1737

The actors Sawamura Sôjûrô I (right, standing) and Yamatogawa Tomigorô (left, kneeling) playing the roles of Lord Ôtomo Hidaemon and his page Yoemon in a print made by Okumura Toshinobu (1718~1720)

The actors Sawamura Sôjûrô I (right, standing) and Ichimura Takenojô IV (left, kneeling) in a print made by Nishimura Shigenaga

Sawamura Sôjûrô I playing the role of Kihei the drama "Kurofune Deiri Minato", which was performed at the Nakamuraza in the 1st lunar month of 1733 (the star is wearing his famous turban called sôjûrô zukin)

Sawamura Chôjûrô III playing the role of Taira no Kiyomori in Tsuuchi Jihê II's kaomise drama "Wakaki no Ume Taira no Kiyomori", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1750 at the Nakamuraza

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