Ichimura Tamagashiwa I
Ichimura Tamagashiwa I  In Japanese

The actor Ichimura Tamagashiwa I held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1701 to the 2nd lunar month of 1729.

Ichimura Tamagashiwa I playing the role of Goze no Haruno in the kaomise drama "Ôbashira Kogane no Sazare Ishi", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1722 in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater

Ichimura Tamagashiwa II
Ichimura Tamagashiwa II  In Japanese | Hanakawa Daikichi  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. His first stage name was Hanakawa Daikichi and he performed as a wakaonnagata in Kyôto at Kameya Kumenojô's theater in the 11th lunar month of 1732 in the kaomise drama "Hayazaki Kogane no Hanabusa". He played in the 11th lunar month of 1734 at Miyako Mandayû's theater (Kyôto) the role of Takayasu Heima's nyôbô Shigi in the kaomise drama "Tomi Yakata Kogane no Yaguruma", which was produced by Nakamura Tomijûrô I. His rank in the 1735 Kyôto hyôbanki, wakaonnagata section, was (superior) [visual]. He went on tour in Nagoya in the 11th lunar month of 1735 to perform at the Seijuin no Shibai, where he took the name of Ichimura Tamagashiwa II. He played in the 2nd lunar month of 1739 in Ôsaka at the Sakurabashi no Shibai the role of Koharu in the drama "Ten no Amijima Hiyoku no Futamon" [1]. No record afterwards.



[1] This drama was similar to Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Shinjû Ten no Amijima". The role of Kamiya Jihê was played by Somenoi Hanshirô.

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