Stage names:

Takamura Matashirô In Japanese
Murakami Shôzaburô In Japanese
Sawai Kodenji In Japanese

Existence: ??? ~ ???


1692: recorded for the first time in Edo, where he performed as a wakashugata under the name of Sawai Kodenji.

1694: he became tachiyaku and took the name of Murakami Shôzaburô.

11th lunar month of 1695: Shôzaburô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Miura Asahina Gansekiwari".

11th lunar month of 1696: Shôzaburô performed as a tachiyaku at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Shitennô Yome Kagami", which welcomed in Edo the actor Murayama Heijûrô I.

11th lunar month of 1699: he took the name of Takamura Matashirô at the Moritaza, where he played the role of Kira Mikinoshin in Mimasuya Hyôgô's drama "Tôsei Okuni Kabuki".

11th lunar month of 1710: he became dôkegata and played at the Moritaza the role of a yakko in the kaomise drama "Onna Tsuwamono Tokiwa no Matsu".

3rd lunar month of 1711: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was naka-no-jô (superior in the middle class).

11th lunar month of 1711: Matashirô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Kôbai no Momoyoguruma".

1st lunar month of 1713: Matashirô played at the Ichimuraza the role of the ge'nin Yomohachi in the new year drama "Taihei Onna Imagawa".

4th lunar month of 1713: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1713: Matashirô played at the Moritaza played the role of Sukekata in the kaomise drama "Yorimasa Taikyoku no Mato".

1st lunar month of 1714: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual].

2nd lunar month of 1714: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1714: Matashirô played at the Moritaza the role of Aida Saizô in the kaomise drama "Onna Ryûko Futatsu Gashira".

11th lunar month of 1715: Matashirô could not perform in any Edo kaomise program. He was reported in the Edo hyôbanki in the 1st lunar month of 1716 as "resting".

11th lunar month of 1716: Matashirô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Yomeiri Miyako no Tsunagi Uma".

1st lunar month of 1717: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1717: Matashirô played at the Moritaza the role of Emperor Godaigo in Murase Genzaburô's kaomise drama "Hônô Taiheiki".

11th lunar month of 1718: Matashirô played at the Moritaza the role of Ebimodayû in the kaomise drama "Zenkunen Yoroi Kurabe"; his stage partners were Matsumoto Kôshirô, Sawamura Sôjûrô, Ôtani Hiroemon I, Mizuki Takejûrô, Tomizawa Hanzaburô I, Ichikawa Monnosuke I and Asao Jûjirô I.

11th lunar month of 1719: Matashirô played at the Moritaza the role of Emperor Godaigo in the kaomise drama "Banmin Taiheiki".

1st lunar month of 1720: Matashirô's rank in one Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual] and he was jô-jô-(hanshiro)kichi (superior - superior - (half-white) excellent) [visual] in another Edo hyôbanki. He played in the same theater the role of the bettô Hakone in the new year sogamono drama "Yuzuriha Kongen Soga", which commemorated the 16th anniversary (17th memorial service) of the passing away of Ichikawa Danjûrô I.

11th lunar month of 1720: Matashirô played at the Moritaza the role of Tada no Mitsunaka in the kaomise drama "Kaigô Sakiwake Shitennô".

1st lunar month of 1721: Matashirô played in the same theater the role of Wada no Yoshimori in the new year sogamono drama "Nigiwai Suehiro Soga".

11th lunar month of 1721: Matashirô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Semimaru Yôrô no Taki", which celebrated the shûmei of Suzuki Heizaemon III.

1st lunar month of 1722: Matashirô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. No record afterwards.


Takamura Matashirô was a popular Edo dôkegata actor, who was active from the beginning of the 1690s to the beginning of the 1720s. He was a mainstay at the Moritaza.

Takamura Matashirô (top/left), Kanazawa Heiroku (top/right), Tamazawa Rin'ya (bottom/left) and Ichikawa Monnosuke I (bottom/right) playing the roles of Ebimodayû, Mitsutô, Kamo no Jirô and Masaki in the kaomise drama "Zenkunen Yoroi Kurabe", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1718 at the Moritaza

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