Ichimura Kamezô I

The actor Ichimura Uzaemon IX held the name of Ichimura Kamezô I from the 2nd lunar month of 1745 to the 7th lunar month of 1762.

Ichimura Kamezô I in a print made by Ishikawa Toyonobu

Ichimura Kamezô II

The actor Ichimura Uzaemon X held the name of Ichimura Kamezô II from the 11th lunar month of 1762 to the 8th lunar month of 1785.

Ichimura Kamezô II in a print made by Ippitsusai Bunchô in 1770

Ichimura Kamezô III
Ichimura Kamezô III  In Japanese | Kataoka Tarô  In Japanese | Kataoka Aizaburô II  In Japanese

Born in Ôsaka the 7th of January 1890. Son of a merchant, he started his career as a disciple of the actor Kataoka Gatô III. He went to Tôkyô with his master, where he received the name of Kataoka Aizaburô II in February 1897 at the Harukiza. He quickly went back to Ôsaka and took the name of Kataoka Tarô in August 1898 at the Kadoza. He settled in Tôkyô in 1907 and was adopted by Ichimura Uzaemon XV. He finally took the name of Ichimura Kamezô III in April 1911 at the Kabukiza, playing the role of Hideyori in the drama "Kiri Hitoha". This tachiyaku actor died the 25th of September 1935. He was the father of Ichimura Tarô and the master of Bandô Kikkô.

Honmyô Haimyô Yagô
Ichimura Toratarô Kizen Tachibanaya

Ichimura Kamezô III playing the role of Tadanobu Rihei in the drama "Shiranami Gonin Otoko" (1920s)

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