Nakamura Sukegorô II (left) and Kasaya Matakurô II (right) playing the roles of Matano Gorô and Usami Jûnai in the kaomise drama "Izu Goyomi Shibai no Ganjitsu", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1772 at the Moritaza

The actors Asao Toyozô I (top;1st from left), Kasaya Matakurô II (top;2nd from left), Arashi Ihachi (top;3rd from left), Yamashina Jinkichi II (top;2nd from right), Asao Tamejûrô I (top;1st from right), Nakayama Raisuke I (bottom;1st from left), Nakayama Bunshichi I (bottom;2nd from left), Anegawa Minato II (bottom;2nd from right) and Arashi Koroku II (bottom;1st from right) playing the roles of Kurusuke, Kokura Zen'emon, Sôshichi, Kojorô, Kezori Kuemon, Mukai Rinzaemon, Shima no Koheiji, Onami and Omatsu in the new year ni-no-kawari drama "Keisei Hakata Ori", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1778 in Kyôto at the Minamigawa no Shibai

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