Matsuo Kozarashi I
Matsuo Kozarashi I  In Japanese | Matsuo Sakon  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. The first stage name of the Yarô Kabuki ('Adult Kabuki') actor was Matsuo Sakon. He took the name of Matsuo Kozarashi I and performed in Edo in the 11th lunar month of 1680. This actor was recorded for the last time in 1684 in the hyôbanki "Yarô Sanza no Wabi".

Matsuo Kozarashi II
Matsuo Kozarashi II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. He was recorded for the first time in the 11th lunar month of 1713, when he performed at the Moritaza as a wakaonnagata in the kaomise drama "Yorimasa Taikyoku no Mato". He was recorded for the last time in the 11th lunar month of 1715, when he played at the Nakamuraza the role of Hanatori-no-Ue in the kaomise drama "Kogane no Kaburi Konrei Yorimasa". No record afterwards.

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