Stage names:

Sendai Yagoshichi In Japanese

Existence: ???


1682: recorded for the first time in Kyôto, where he performed as a dôkegata.

1687: he played in Kyôto the role of the daijin Jingorô in the drama "Asukagawa", which was staged in Okamura Saburobê's theater.

1st lunar month of 1688: Yagoshichi's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was (superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1693: Yagoshichi performed as a dôkegata in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû in Tominaga Heibê's drama "Budô no Tassha", which was produced by Osagawa Jûemon; his stage partners were Shibazaki Rinzaemon I, Sakurayama Rinnosuke I, Kirinami Senju I, Sodesaki Karyû, Sugiyama Kanzaemon I and Adachi Saburôzaemon.

Between the 11th lunar month of 1693 and the 1st lunar month of 1694: Yagoshichi played in the same theater the role of Ibaragiya Yazaemon in Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Izutsu Narihira Kawachi Gayoi".

1st lunar month of 1694: Yagoshichi played in the same theater the role of Yagumo Hyôbu in the drama "Godô no Myôkan".

1st lunar month of 1695: Yagoshichi's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was (superior) [visual]. He became a travelling actor, performing in Ise or Nagoya. No record afterwards.


Sendai Yagoshichi was a dôkegata, who was active in ôshibai in Kamigata from the first half of the 1680s to the second half of the 1690s. He ended his career in tabi shibai. "Sendai Yagoshichi was a dôkegata actor of unequalled skill, who received a high salary in Kyôto." (from Kaneko Ikkô's "Dust in the Ears", translated by Charles J. Dunn and Torigoe Bunzô in "The Actors' Analects")

Sendai Yagoshichi

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