Dance title Koma  In Japanese
Authors Kimura Tomiko (lyrics)
Tokiwazu Mojibê III (music)
Hanayagi Jusuke II (choreography)

"Koma" was premiered in September 1928 at the Kabukiza, with Ichikawa Ennosuke II in the role of the top-seller. It was based on an older dance, which was created in 1874 for Ichikawa Ennosuke I.

Key words Shosagoto
En'ô Jûshu

This is one of the dances that shows the attire worn by a street performer of the Edo Era. In this dance, the top vendor sells her tops by performing various tricks with them in the street. She then changes out of her costume to become a top herself, imitating the top as it travels along the blade of a sword.

Source: Nihon Buyô


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