Playwright name:

Kimura Tomiko In Japanese

Real Names: Kimura Tomiko, Akakura Tomiko

Existence: 10 October 1890 ~ 26 December 1944


Master: Matsui Shôô

Husband: Kimura Kinka

Son: Sawamura Gennosuke V


10 October 1890: born in Tôkyô in Asakusa.

Taishô era: she was a disciple of Matsui Shôô. She got married with Kimura Kinka in 1919.

May 1926: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kimura Tomiko's first dance-drama "Tamagiku", which starred Nakamura Utaemon V, Ichikawa Sadanji II, Ichikawa Chûsha VII and Ichikawa Sumizô VI.

November 1927: premiere at the Hongôza of Kimura Tomiko's dance-drama "Kôya Monogurui" (a drama adapted for Kabuki), which mixed Nagauta and Gidayû musical accompaniments [casting].

September 1928: premiere at the Kabukiza of Kimura Tomiko's Tokiwazu-based dance "Koma", with a choreography and a musical accompaniment made by Hanayagi Jusuke II and Tokiwazu Mojibê III. The leading role was played by Ichikawa Ennosuke II.

April 1934: premiere at the Tôkyô Gekijô of Kimura Tomiko's Tokiwazu-based dance "Hanami Yakko", with a choreography and a musical accompaniment made by Hanayagi Jusuke II and Tokiwazu Mojibê III. The leading role of the yakko was played by Ichikawa Ennosuke II.

June 1936: her son Kataoka Chiyomaro took the name of Sawamura Gennosuke V at the Tôkyô Gekijô.

September 1939: premiere at the Meijiza of Kimura Tomiko's dance "Kokaji" (a drama adapted for Kabuki), which mixed Nagauta and Gidayû musical accompaniments. The leading role of the God Inari was played by Ichikawa Ennosuke II.

November 1939: premiere at the Tôkyô Gekijô of Kimura Tomiko's dance-drama "Kurozuka" [casting]. The musical accompaniment was written by Kineya Sakichi IV and the choreography was made by Hanayanagi Jusuke II.

April 1941: premiere at the Tôkyô Gekijô of Kimura Tomiko's Gidayû-based dance "Yoi Yakko". The leading role of the yakko Bekunai was played by Ichikawa Ennosuke II.

26 December 1944: Kimura Tomiko died in Tôkyô.


Kimura Tomiko was a Kabuki female sakusha, who was active from the beginning of the 1910s to the beginning of the 1940s. She created shosagoto for the Omodakaya guild. Her masterpiece was "Kurozuka", which is still regularly staged.

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