The "Terakoya" scene, which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1841 at the Kawarasakiza, starring the actors Nakamura Utaemon IV (Matsuômaru), Iwai Tojaku (Tonami), Onoe Kikujirô II (Chiyo), Ichikawa Ebizô V (Takebe Genzô) and Seki Sanjûrô III (Shundô Genba) |
The actors Kataoka Nizaemon VIII (top), Seki Sanjûrô III and Bandô Hikosaburô V playing the roles of Satô Masakiyo, Gotô Masatsugu and Mori Sanzaemon in the drama "Hachijin Shugo no Honjô", which was staged in the 9th lunar month of 1861 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III |
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