Kirinami Senju I

The actor Kirinami Senju I held this name from the beginning of the 1690s to 1705.

Kirinami Senju I (3rd lunar month of 1700)

Kirinami Senju II
Kirinami Senju II  In Japanese | Tamishima Senju  In Japanese / In Japanese | Kirinami Senju II  In Japanese
[Other name: Kirinami Bunzaemon In Japanese]

Dates of birth and death unknown. Disciple of Kirinami Senju I, he perfomed under the name of Kirinami Senju II after the death of his master in inaka shibai. He settled in Ôsaka at the beginning of 1718, took the name of Tamishima Senju and performed in ôshibai. He performed in the 11th lunar month of 1718 in Ôsaka at the Kita no Shinchi Shibai in the kaomise drama "In'yô Inui no Machi-zukuri", which was produced by Kokon Shinzaemon. He became wakashugata and took back the name of Kirinami Senju II in the 11th lunar month of 1725, playing in Kyôto the role of Kishinojô in the kaomise drama "Sanpukutsui Eiga no Shikishi". He played in the 11th lunar month of 1726 in Kyôto at Hayagumo Chôdayû's theater the role of Igaya Genzaburô in the kaomise drama "Shinzô Kishi no Himematsu". His rank in the 1727 hyôbanki, wakashugata section, was one stroke below (superior) [visual]. He was recorded for the last time in 1731 in the book "Sangoku Rôei Kyôbutai". No record afterwards.

The actor Kirinami Senju II in an illustration from the 1st volume of the book "Sangoku Rôei Kyôbutai" (1731)
Courtesy of the Main Library, Kyôto University - Sangoku Rôei Kyôbutai
Image slightly edited by Shôriya Aragorô (reuse rules)

Prints & Illustrations

Kirinami Senju III
Kirinami Senju III  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. A koyaku actor was recorded as performing under the name of Kirinami Senju III in Edo at the Nakamuraza from the 11th lunar month of 1758 to the 9th lunar month of 1759. No record afterwards.

The name of Kirinami Senju III in the 1759 hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

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