Shinozuka Shômatsu I

The actor Shinozuka Sôhachi held the name of Shinozuka Shômatsu I from 1695 to the 10th lunar month of 1714.

Shinozuka Shômatsu I playing the role of the girl Oshô in the kaomise drama "Kantô Koroku", which was staged in Ôsaka in the 11th lunar month of 1706

Shinozuka Shômatsu II
Shinozuka Shômatsu II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Adopted son of Shinozuka Jirozaemon I's son Shinozuka Seiemon, he received the name of Shinozuka Shômatsu II in the 11th lunar month of 1714 in Ôsaka, where he became zamoto and produced the kaomise drama "Yonedawara Mangoku no Minato" [1] for the nadai Ôsaka Tazaemon. He played in the 11th lunar month of 1715 at the Kado no Shibai the role of a little bikuni in the kaomise drama "Saiwai Mochimaru Chôja", which was produced by Iwai Hanshirô III. He was recorded for the last time in the 1st lunar month of 1716, in the Ôsaka hyôbanki. No record afterwards.

Shinozuka Shômatsu II (top/1st from left), Ôshima Kajûrô (top/2nd from left), Ôshima Kajûrô (top/1st from right), Sanogawa Mangiku (bottom/1st from left), Nakamura Shingorô I (bottom/2nd from left) & Ôtori Michiemon (bottom/1st from right) playing the roles of a little bikuni, Mionoya Shirohachi disguised as a bikuni, the otokodate Mionoya Shirohachi, Okura, Ôgita Kôsuke and Heitazaemon in the kaomise drama "Saiwai Mochimaru Chôja", which was staged in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai in the 11th lunar month of 1715



[1] He took the name of Shinozuka Shômatsu II while his uncle Shinozuka Shômatsu I became Shinozuka Sôhachi.

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