Dance titles Tenaraiko  In Japanese
Kakitsubata Nanae no Someginu  In Japanese
Authors Masuyama Kinpachi I (lyrics)
Kineya Shôjirô I (music)
Nishikawa Senzô I (choreography)

The dance "Tenaraiko" was first performed by the star Iwai Hanshirô IV in the 4th lunar month of 1792 at the Kawarasakiza as part of a seven-role hengemono entitled "Kakitsubata Nanae no Someginu".

Key words Shosagoto

"Tenaraiko" is about a young girl, who is on her way home from her calligraphy lesson. She carries her notebook and a paper umbrella. She is about to grow out of childhood and is lost in thouhts of love. As a little girl, she plays with some butterflies or some strips of papers. As a woman-to-be, she uses the words she wrote today to compose little poems about love. Then, she performs a short section of the famous dance "Musume Dôjôji". The last section of this dance is lively, based on a popular song, with the little girl praying the gods to find a good husband. Then, coming out of her fantasy world, she rushes home.

Iwai Kumesaburô III performing the dance "Tenaraiko" in the 5th lunar month of 1848 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kuniyoshi)

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