Sugiyama Kanzaemon I

The actor Sugiyama Kanzaemon I held this name from the beginning of the 1670s to 1711.

Sugiyama Kanzaemon I in 1693

Sugiyama Kanzaemon II
Sawano Hachigorô  In Japanese | Arashi Kankurô  In Japanese | Sugiyama Kanzaemon II  In Japanese | Sugiyama Kantarô  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. He was the younger brother of Arashi Kiyosaburô I and a disciple of Sugiyama Kanzaemon I. His first stage name was Sugiyama Kantarô and he started his career as a wakashugata in Ôsaka. He became tachiyaku in 1700 and took the name of Sugiyama Kanzaemon II at the beginning of the Shôtoku era. He held it for a while and took the name of Arashi Kankurô at an unknown time. He finally took the name of Sawano Hachigorô in the 11th lunar month of 1715 in Ôsaka at the Ônishi no Shibai, performing in the kaomise drama "Ugashin Kogane no Hokora". He was active in Ôsaka up to 1723, when he played in the 11th lunar month of 1723 at the Ônishi no Shibai the role of the yakko Bansuke in the kaomise drama "Fukujukai Kogane no Minato". We don't know what happens to him afterwards for he disappears from the records. He was the father of Arashi Kiyosaburô II.

Sugiyama Kanzaemon III

The actor Sugiyama Kanzaemon III held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1718 to the middle of the 1730s.

Sugiyama Kanzaemon III (right) and Yoshizawa Ayame I (left) playing the roles of Suehiro Kanamenosuke and Kikusui in the kaomise drama "Suehiro Chôja Bandaigura", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1718 at the Ônishi no Shibai

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