Tsuuchi Denjûrô I

The sakusha Dontsû Yosabê I held the name of Tsuuchi Denjûrô I from 1753 to the 10th lunar month of 1762.

Tsuuchi Denjûrô II
Tsuuchi Denjûrô II  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Disciple of Tsuuchi Jihê II, he received the name of Tsuuchi Denjûrô II and worked in the 11th lunar month of 1762 for the tatesakusha Tsuuchi Jihê III [1] at the Ichimuraza on the kaomise drama "Kisoe Uta Sakae Komachi", which celebrated the shûmei of Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Ôtani Hiroji III. He worked in the 11th lunar month of 1767 [2] at the Nakamuraza on the kaomise drama "Taiheiki Shizu no Furisode". No record afterwards.



[1] This sakusha also celebrated his shûmei. The others sakusha were Sawai Chûzô and Nakamura Seikurô II.

[2] The others sakusha were Kadota Sorobê, Dontsû Yosabê I and Sei Hidesuke.

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