Play title Hana Yakata Chibikizuru  In Japanese
Theater Kado no Shibai
Producer Kirinoya Gonjûrô I
Playwright ???

The kaomise drama "Hana Yakata Chibikizuru" was produced in the 11th lunar month of 1720 [1] in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai by Kirinoya Gonjûrô I. It was staged with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Kirinoya Gonjûrô I The karô Yamaki Hideemon
2 Sadoshima Chôgorô I Miumanosuke
3 Fujioka Daikichi Hideemon's mekake Satake
4 Fujii Hanamatsu Okuri
5 Matsushima Hyôtarô Princess Kameyo
6 Sugiyama Kanzaemon III Miyoshi Jinroku
7 Kirinoya Gonjûrô I The karô Yamaki Hideemon
8 Anegawa Shinshirô I Sasano Sagoemon
9 Yashio Ikuemon The umakata Rokuzô
10 Yamamoto Hikogorô The servant Chôjibê
11 Osagawa Jûemon Monokawa Yasoemon
12 Ôtani Tsuneemon Tarozaemon [2]
13 Kaneko Kichizaemon Kingobê
14 Ichimura Tamagashiwa I Sasano's nyôbô Okiku

The stars [3] of this kaomise program were:

Actors Category/Ranking
Osagawa Jûemon tachiyaku
jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]
Kirinoya Gonjûrô I jitsuaku
jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]
Ichimura Tamagashiwa I wakaonnagata
jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]

[1] "I worked on this kaomise page in November 2020, almost 300 years afterwards!" (Shôriya Aragorô)

[2] Tarozaemon or Tarôzaemon.

[3] Our definition of star is a ranking equal or above jô-jô-kichi.

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