Play titles Tenryû Chiryû Kogane no Suzunari  In Japanese
Theater Higashi no Shibai
Producer Arashi San'emon III
Playwright ???

The kaomise drama "Tenryû Chiryû Kogane no Suzunari" was produced in the 11th lunar month of 1721 [1] in Ôsaka at the Higashi no Shibai by Arashi San'emon III. This kaomise program was staged with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Arashi San'emon III Negi Hyakudayû [2]
2 Sugiyama Kanzaemon III Himematsu Mokunojô
3 Sanogawa Hanazuma I Nuiemon's nyôbô Otame
4 Nakamura Shingorô I Kashiwade Nuiemon
5 Ichikawa Sôzaburô I Kashiwade Kakuemon
6 Murayama Heijûrô II Bantate Jûzô
7 Tsugawa Kamon Nuiemon's sister Matsui
8 Kamakura Heikurô I The yakko Dekisuke
9 Nakatsuru Sagenji Komatsu
10 Toyomatsu Manzaburô Okon
11 Sanogawa Mangiku Daigaku's sister Masaki
12 Arashi San'emon III Negi Hyakudayû (performing a roppô)
13 Arashi Sangorô I Manzei Izuminosuke
14 Somekawa Ubê A kôshitsu
15 Osagawa Jûemon Kurayama Daigaku
16 Sagawa Bunzô I Kazaori Kinji

The stars [3] of this kaomise program were:

Actors Category/Ranking
Arashi San'emon III tachiyaku
jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]
Osagawa Jûemon tachiyaku
jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]

Others actors were Kirishima Jinpachi, Arashi Saburoshirô III, Kikukawa Tsunejirô and Haruyama Naotarô.

[1] "I worked on this kaomise page in December 2021, 300 years afterwards!" (Shôriya Aragorô)

[2] Hyakudayû or Momodayû?

[3] Our definition of star is a ranking equal or above jô-jô-kichi.

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