Play title | Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana ![]() (The First Flowers of Ueno) Kumo no Ueno San'e no Sakumae ![]() Yuki no Yûbe Iriya no Azemichi ![]() (A Narrow Road in Iriya on a Snowy Evening) |
Author | Kawatake Shinshichi II | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
History |
"Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana" derived from Matsubayashi Hakuen II's famous kôdan entitled "Tenpô Rokkasen", telling the stories of 5 larger-than-life Edo thieves and gamblers and one courtesan. The story was full of the Edo emotional mood which was being lost when the Meiji period started. The first attempt made by Kawatake Shinshichi II was entitled "Kumo no Ueno San'e no Sakumae" and was premiered in October 1874 at the Kawarasakiza [casting]. The opening day was the 11th of October 1874. It was not a huge success and the drama focused primarily on the bogus priest Kôchiyama Sôshun. The second attempt was a complete revision of the first one, with a lot a new scenes dealing with others characters, the "honest samurai" Kataoka Naojirô and his lover the courtesan Michitose. This new play, which was entitled "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana", was premiered in March 1881 at the Shintomiza with an amazing casting: Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (Kôchiyama Sôshun), Onoe Kikugorô V (Kataoka Naojirô), Ichikawa Sadanji I (Kaneko Ichinojô) and Iwai Hanshirô VIII (the courtesan Michitose) [casting]. The part of "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana" dealing with Kataoka Naojirô and his lover Michitose was staged independently from the rest of the play, under the title "Yuki no Yûbe Iriya no Azemichi", for the first time in April 1910 at the Kabukiza [casting]. It contained one of the most famous Kabuki love scenes, enhanced by a beautiful Kiyomoto accompaniment. As a consequence of this successul production, the Kabuki producers had 3 options: the staging of the play as a tôshi kyôgen (commonly called "Kôchiyama to Naozamurai", to meaning "and" in Japanese), a set of scenes focusing on the osukiya bôzu and blackmailer Kôchiyama Sôshun (commonly called "Kôchiyama") and a set of scenes focusing on the love story between Kataoka Naojirô and the courtesan Michitose (commonly called "Naozamurai to Michitose"). |
Structure |
The original "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana" drama was in 7 acts. Nowadays, a classic "Kôchiyama to Naozamurai" tôshi kyôgen of "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana" is usually made up of 5 acts divided into 11 scenes: |
Another act, made up of 3 scenes, is still in the Kabuki repertoire but it is rarely staged (only once after WWII, in January 1983 at the National Theatre). It is staged between Act III and Act IV of the standard tôshi kyôgen of this drama:
Key words |
Anma Bakame Cha Bôzu Ike-no-Hata Iriya Izumo Kago Kami Kamisuki Kan'eiji Kenjutsu-zukai Kenkyaku Kôchiyama Sôshun Koishikawa Koshimoto Miuke Naozamurai Oiran Osukiya Bôzu Sewamono Shiranami Shiranamimono Sobaya Tenpô Rokkasen Shichiya Shôtaku Torimono Torite Yashiki Yoshiwara Yushima Tenmangû Yusuriba Zashiki |
Summary |
There is a huge crowd at the Yushima Shrine because of an exhibition match put on by fencing master (kenkyaku) Kaneko Ichinojô with his disciples as an "offering" paid by local shopkeepers to the shrine. Kurayami no Ushimatsu (literally Ushimatsu of the "Darkness"), a local hoodlum, demands protection money from Kaneko Ichinojô. His argument is simple: if Kaneko succeeded in collecting money from shops in the neighborhood under the pretext of performing as an "offering" to the shrine, he, too, is a wayside entertainer. The protection money rule applies to all entertainers in the precincts of the Yushima Shrine. Ushimatsu's demand angers Kaneko's disciples. Quickly, the two groups are squaring off for a huge fight with each other, when Kôchiyama Sôshun, an osukiya bôzu, steps in to intervene. Thanks to his imposing manner, Ushimatsu and his men reluctantly end their show of force and retreat. Kôchiyama is thanked by the Head of the Yushima Shrine and by Kaneko Ichinojô. Kôchiyama Sôshun is a wily master of bluff. He comes to the Joshûya pawnshop (shichiya) to see whether he can borrow 50 ryô with only a wooden sword to offer as collateral. The clerk Den'emon turns down the request because the collateral is a worthless object. Hearing the argument, Omaki, the mistress of the shop, comes out to intervene. Her daughter Ofuji is in trouble and Omaki needs some help, even from somebody with a bad reputation like Kôchiyama. Ofuji, who entered the household of Lord Matsue (the kami of the province of Izumo), four years ago to serve as a koshimoto, is now being held prisoner in a room at the residence because of her refusal to become the lord's concubine. Kôchiyama sees a chance for claiming a big reward. He says he will bring the daughter back in two days and, full of self-confidence, asks for 200 ryô. Michitose is the most beautiful and popular oiran at the Ôguchi in Yoshiwara. She is in love with Kataoka Naojirô (nicknamed Naozamurai, the honest samurai), who was formerly a low ranking samurai but who has now taken to a life of crime. He has recently been hard up for money and has been coming to Michitose for help. Using up her own funds, Michitose has herself been forced to borrow money procured for her by her friend Okuma and the sum has now reached a hundred ryô. Okuma has recently been asking for repayment and Michitose is at a loss what to do. Her only solution is for her and Naozamurai to join in a lover's suicide but he refuses since the problem is only money. They decide to think of something but Michitose is called away to the room of one of her clients, the kenjutsu-zukai Kaneko Ichinojô. Unfortunately, the money that Okuma has been obtaining for Michitose belongs to Ichinojô. He demands repayment and threatens to redeem her from her contract with the Ôguchi (miuke) in which case she will become his 'property'. At that moment, Naozamurai enters and gives a hundred ryô to Ichinojô who is surprised and displeased, but he accepts the money and leaves. (The money was, in fact, obtained from Kôchiyama, the gang leader). The last scene of Act II is set in a lonely rice-paddy area not far from the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters. In the darkness, Kaneko Ichinojô is hiding among the shadows of reeds by the Negishi roadside. He is lying in wait for his rival Naozamurai who should be soon returning from Yoshiwara. Ichinojô plans to kill his rival in love. A palanquin (kago) approaches, and Ichinojô is sure that its passenger is Kataoka Naozamurai. He leaps out and strikes out the kago lantern with his sword. Then, he starts to poke his sword point into the palanquin. At this moment, the passenger of the palanquin quickly lifts up the side curtain. To Ichinojô's amazement, it is not Naozamurai inside but the gang leader Kôchiyama. Hurriedly, he hides his sword behind his back. Meanwhile, Naozamurai, who had been accompanying Kôchiyama on foot, hides behind the palanquin and watches the scene. Kôchiyama looks out at Ichinojô and asks him what objects has just flashed in his back. Seeing Ichinojô's helplessness, Kôchiyama disregards the fact that he knows Ichinojô's murderous intention by saying that it must have been a falling star. Ichinojô is overawed by Kôchiyama's show of boldness. A moment of suspense ensues, with the three characters in tense and watchful positions. In the end, Ichinojô is unable to make his planned assault. No one will be killed tonight! The act is set at the Matsue Mansion (yashiki). As the koshimoto at the residence of Lord Matsue are gossiping about the lord's infatuation for Namiji (Ofuji was named Namiji when she entered the residence 4 years ago), she comes running into their midst, trying to escape from the lord who comes chasing after her, sword in hand. Miyazaki Kazuma, one of the lord's young retainers, is trying to restrain his lord. However, his rival retainer Kitamura Daizen aggravates the situation by hinting that Kazuma's interest in saving Namiji is that he himself has had an affair with her. As the lord presses him for an answer, elder retainer Takagi Kozaemon comes and remonstrates with the lord for his unscrupulous ways. The lord is in no mood to be remonstrated and tries to execute Takagi; but at this point a page comes to announce that a priest has come from the Kan'eiji Temple of Ueno. As the lord is in no mood to meet the envoy, Kozaemon meets him. Kozaemon is afraid that the imperial envoy has come to check on rumors of the lord's questionable ways. The visitor, who introduces himself as the abbot Dôkai, regally demands that the lord himself be present. Finally Lord Matsue makes his entrance into the guest room. Dôkai looks appraisingly at Lord Matsue, and then remarks sarcastically that he looks remarkably fit for one supposed to be indisposed. Dôkai tells the lord to release Namiji as his reputation is being affected by his bad conduct, but the daimyô is highly reluctant. When Dôkai mentions that the lordship itself may be endangered if he continues in such a manner, Lord Matsue finally agrees and gives the envoy a gift of money. Presently the envoy comes to the entrance for departure, when Kitamura Daizen calls out loudly from the side and reveals the envoy's true identity by pointing out a large wart on his face as that of Kôchiyama Sôshun. Realizing that the game is up, Kôchiyama threatens that if he is not allowed to retreat peacefully he will tell all, thus bringing dishonor and ruin to the Matsue household. Elder retainer Takagi comes to straighten out the matter, forcing Daizen to retreat. Kôchiyama departs, with one last sarcastic remark [1] aimed at Lord Matsue and Daizen. As Kôchiyama walks off, the lord comes out to watch his departure. Act IV [2] Hanshichi, a clerk at the Shimaya store, has been inveigled into an illegal gambling game and tricked out of 200 ryô of his employer's money. Unable to return to his place of employment, he visits his brother-in-law, Terada Kôbê, and explains the situation. Naozamurai (Kataoka Naojirô) arrives and, hearing what has happened, he undertakes to get the money back. He disguises himself and, together with Ushimatsu, another gang member, he goes to the game and gains admittance. He is recognized by the leader of the gambling group and is offered twenty ryô to leave quietly. Naozamurai refuses and threatens to expose their illegal gambling syndicate unless he is given the whole 200 ryô. As they are arguing, Ichinojô appears and Naozamurai gets the money. Meanwhile, Hanshichi has been waiting by the bank of the moat at Koishikawa. Naozamurai arrives and gives him the money. Ichinojô appears and calls to Naozamurai. He explains that he is resentful at having lost Michitose and challenged him to a duel. Naozamurai agrees and they fix the time and date at several days hence. Act IV [3] It is winter and snow is falling heavily. Two men, police spies, are eating soba (hot noodles in soup) at a small sobaya in Iriya, a village close to the Yoshiwara pleasures quarter. They are actually searching for Naozamurai (Kataoka Naojirô) who is now a wanted man and is on the run. They ask the way to the Ôguchi and leave. Naozamurai appears, his kimono hitched up exposing his legs. His face is wrapped in a scarf and he is carrying an umbrella. Although a fugitive, he still manages to cut a dashing figure. He enters the shop warily, steps out of his clogs and warms himself. He orders soba and sake. Sitting down, he loosens his scarf and talks to the people in the shop. He learns that two men were there earlier, asking for the Ôguchi. Another customer, the anma Jôga, comes in and Naozamurai settles himself behind a small screen. As he eats, Jôga says that he has been very busy recently, attending on Michitose at the Ôguchi. He explains that she has been ill, pining for her lover, and is now resting at a nearby villa. Naozamurai has been listening carefully all the while. He calls for writing materials, disguising his voice through his scarf so that Jôga, who knows him, will not recognize him. When Naozamurai has written his letter, he pays for his meal, gets up and leaves. Outside, he waits for Jôga who soon appears and recognized him. Naozamurai asks him to deliver his note to Michitose. Jôga agrees and takes his leave. Naozamurai then bumps into his fellow gang member, Ushimatsu, who warns him that the police are after him and that he should get away from Edo as quickly as he can. Naozamurai parts from him sadly, not knowing when he will meet his old friend again. Ushimatsu remains behind and decides that he has a better chance of saving his own skin by betraying Naozamurai to the police. He hesitates at first and then he sets off after him. Naozamurai comes through the snow to the rear entrance of the villa and knocks. He is let in by two maids. Ushimatsu appears and runs off to tell the police. Naozamurai dries himself. Michitose enters and scolds him for so neglecting her that she has become ill. He tells her that he cannot stay long but must leave Edo that night. She asks why, but he says he will explain later and glances meaningfully at the two maids. They take the hint and leave. The next part of this scene is more stylized, and the dialogue is interrupted by passages of dance which include several famous poses. With the maids gone, Naozamurai and Michitose back slowly towards each other, touch and sink to a kneeling position. He explains that he is not the man she thinks, but a criminal on the run. She prepares a pipe for him and dresses his hair (kamisuki); both intimate signs of affection. He gives her a letter explaining everything, but she surprises him by announcing that she has known all the time and that it makes no difference. At that moment, they are interrupted by Ichinojô and Naozamurai conceals himself behind a screen. Ichinojô tells Michitose that he has paid the money to free her and that he is going to take her away. She, however, will have none of it. Ichinojô becomes angry and insults Naozamurai who jumps out from behind the screen and attacks him but is easily overpowered. Naozamurai asks Ichinojô to kill him and Michitose urges him to kill her too. He refuses, unwilling to soil the blade of his sword with their blood. He throws a paper to them, says they may marry if they wish and leaves. Inside they find the document making Michitose a free woman and a letter from Ichinojô explaining that he is her brother and that he was trying to save her from her disastrous relationship with Naozamurai. The two raise their hands in a gesture of gratitude to Ichinojô but, at that moment, torite burst in and seize Naozamurai. He manages to break free and, shouting farewell to Michitose, leaps over a low fence and rushes off. She calls after him as he runs to the hanamichi, makes a powerful pose, and exits. Act V [4] Three days later. Omaki and Seibê of the pawnshop are paying a visit to Kôchiyama at the home of his mistress Omitsu in Ike-no-Hata to thank him for the safe return of Ofuji. Kôchiyama Sôshun had requested a loan, and unable to refuse under the circumstances, they have brought 200 ryô with them. Then Kôchiyama reveals for the first time his part in the ruse at the Matsue Mansion, saying that the priest in question was none other than himself. Omaki and Seibê show consternation as they fear danger of getting involved in such shady business, and scurry off. Kôchiyama hands the money to Omitsu, instructing to keep half for herself and take the other half to Kôchiyama's wife, as he himself will no doubt soon be arrested. Now Naozamurai (Kataoka Naojirô) slips into the house. He had been in flight since that night at Iriya and has finally managed to come to visit his boss. He tells him that he has been betrayed by Ushimatsu. He has succeeded in taking his revenge and has killed the traitor Ushimatsu before coming here. He now hopes to flee from Edo. Kôchiyama tells Naozamurai that running away is useless. He advises him to act more gallantly. Kôchiyama says that he himself is resolved to stay in his mistress's home until the arrival of the torite. Naozamurai is impressed and says he will do likewise. Omitsu brings out trays of food and some sake. Then, Kôchiyama informs the apprehensive Naozamurai that the house has been surrounded by the torite. Naozamurai, who cannot muster up the same kind of bravado as Kôchiyama, shows his inner fear. As the torite rush into the room, Kôchiyama unhurriedly picks up his cup and motions to Naozamurai to fill it up. Naozamurai does as bid. After Kôchiyama has drunk from the cup, Naozamurai takes his turn, while the torite are shouting for their surrender. |
Notes |
[1] As he reaches the hanamichi, Kôchiyama pauses to look back in triumph. Lord Matsue and Kitamura Daizen appear on the porch and the bogus priest insults them with the word bakame. [2] The rarely-staged original 4th act. |
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The actors Iwai Hanshirô VIII (left print), Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (right print, top) and Onoe Kikugorô V (right print, bottom) playing the roles of the courtesan Michitose, Kôchiyama Sôshun and Kataoka Naojirô in the drama "Kumo ni Magou Ueno no Hatsuhana", which was staged in March 1881 at the Shintomiza (print made by Yôshû Chikanobu) |
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