Play titles Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi  In Japanese
The Gold Shrine Offerings of Sarushima [1]
Dôjôji Koi ha Kusemono  In Japanese
Futa Omote Dôjôji  In Japanese
Authors Tsuruya Nanboku IV
Katsu Hyôzô II
Tsuruya Magotarô IV
Nakamura Jûsuke IV
Matsumoto Kôji I
Matsuchi Shôkichi

Tsuruya Nanboku IV's drama "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi" was staged for the first time in the 11th lunar month of 1829 at the Nakamuraza [more details]. The premiere was the 19th day of the 11th lunar month of 1829 [2]. This was Tsuruya Nanboku IV's last drama as the playwright died the 27th day of the 11th lunar month of 1829 [3]. The last act of "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi" was a spectacular dôjôjimono using Tokiwazu, Tomimoto and Nagauta musical ensembles. It was entitled "Dôjôji Koi ha Kusemono".

In modern times, "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi" was revived by Ichikawa Ennosuke III in January 1964 at the Nissay Theatre [casting]. The final act was entitled "Futa Omote Dôjôji" and it used Nagauta and Tokiwazu ensembles.


The current version of "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi" is made up of 4 acts (8 or 9 scenes). A shorter version exists, which is made up of Act II (from scene 1 to scene 3) and Act IV scene 1.

Key words Ama
Ennosuke Jûhachiban
Ennosuke Shijûhassen
Fujiwara Hidesato
Fujiwara Sumitomo
Fujiwara Tadabumi
Fukkatsu Tôshi Kyôgen Jûhachiban
Hashihime Jinja
Minamoto Mitsunaka
Minamoto Yorimitsu
Tada Mitsunaka
Taira Masakado
Taira Yoshikado
Tawara Tôta Hidesato
Uroko Yoten

Act I, scene 1: Deep in the Mountains of Settsu

An attempted coup d'état by Taira no Masakado and Fujiwara no Sumitomo [4] has just been quelled by imperial loyalist forces led by Tada no Mitsunaka, Taira no Sadamori, and Tawara no Tôta Hidesato. It is said that the leaders of the rebellion have been killed, or so it was supposed, and the loyalist army is now rounding up the defeated generals' families and followers.

Sumitomo, although presumed dead, actually managed to flee. Disguised as a pilgrim, he has been offering prayers at a secret shrine deep in the mountains of the province of Settsu. Using black magic, he plans to bring Masakado back to life. Discovered by two loyalist warriors, he killed them. Then, he takes out from a sutra box a piece of Masakado's helmet and the sleeve of a kimono once worn by late Princess Takiyasha [5]. Takiyasha was Masakado's wife and loyalist general Mitsunaka's younger sister. Sumitomo immerses a shakujô in the blood of the two dead warriors. He is about to make the final preparations to bring Masakado back to life, however, three bandits appear to snatch the sutra box away. Then, a deer emerges to grab the box from the bandits and jumps into the valley.

Act I, scene 2: at the Tsuzumi-ga-Taki Waterfall

The scene opens at the Tsuzumi-ga-Taki Waterfall (literally the waterfall of the tsuzumi). Another loyalist warrior appears on stage to grab the deer. But instead of succumbing, the deer kills the warrior. Bandô Tarô, a leader of a band of mountain thieves emerges from under the deerskin. One of the bandits reemerges to try to walk away with the sutra box. Sumitomo's shakujô is suddenly flying through the air and disappears behind Takiyasha's tombstone. Takiyasha was killed by her own brother in these mountains after jilting her loyalist fiancé Tawara no Tôta Hidesato and running off with rebel Masakado and bearing him a son.

There is a fantastic rumbling of the earth. Then, a skeleton appears from behind the tombstone. When Tarô pokes the skeleton, it transforms into Princess Takiyasha. The prayers Sumitomo had been offering has brought the spirit of Masakado back in the form of his wife Takiyasha. Takiyasha, with a woman's body and a man's soul, now intimidates the frightened Tarô and disappears into the darkness with the sutra box and Sumitomo's shakujô. Meanwhile, Sumitomo returns and takes back the ornament from Masakado's helmet.

Act II, scene 1: at the Old Hermitage in Uji

Masakado's sister Princess Nanaaya is being sheltered from loyalist pursuers at the Tsuendô, a rustic and old hermitage in Uji. She is protected by her wet nurse Mikuriya, now disguised as the ama Nyogetsu.

Mikuriya also lives with her own blind daughter, Princess Kiyo. She has cried herself blind over her love for an unknown man with whom she had a one-night love affair during a pilgrimage. All koshimoto are disguised as tea-pickers [6]. Nyogetsu generally serves tea to passersby, who on this day include Inugami Hyôdô, an official disguised as a farmer, and Jakubaku, a scheming mountain ascetic who is collecting alms for the construction of a belfry in the precincts of the Miidera Temple. Hyôdô informs Jakubaku that rewards are being given for the capture of both Princess Nanaaya and Fujiwara no Tadabumi, a former court noble in the loyalist forces who has refused to capture Masakado because of his love for Masakado's sister Nanaaya.

Jakubaku had previously buried a treasured mirror that he stole near the temple and now takes the opportunity to retrieve it. He also suspects that Nanaaya is hiding at the Tsuendô and furtively steps around the back of the house to spy.

Along comes Minamoto no Yorimitsu, son of loyalist leader Mitsunaka. He is disguised as an itinerant priest named Anchin. He, too, feel in disgrace for two reasons: a love affair with Princess Nanaaya and the loss of a precious family heirloom, a sword named Murasame. He is now seeking the sword in order to be reinstated in his former lofty position. He asks Nyogetsu for a night's lodging, which is readily granted. Princess Nanaaya appears and immediately recognizes Yorimitsu through the priest's disguise. Yorimitsu, however, withdraws in alarm, saying he cannot have anything to do with her now, at least until he has retrieved the missing sword and regained his position. He is about to leave but Nyogetsu stops him, saying she will permit her daughter Kiyo to spend the night with Yorimitsu. She makes it clear that, taking advantage of the darkness, Nanaaya will replace Kiyo in bed. With that, the lovers go off, led to an inner room by Princess Kiyo.

Hyôdô and Jakubaku return, saying they have proof that Nanaaya is being sheltered at the Tsuendô. They demand her severed head which has to be presented to the authorities. At the 9th stroke on the evening bell, Hyôdô will be back to get the head. Jakubaku will remain behind in hiding to keep watch. Having overheard the conversation, Princess Kiyo offers to be killed in Nanaaya's stead. She is ready to sacrifice herself as she thinks she will never meet again the unknown man who has loved her. In the presence of Nanaaya and Yorimitsu, Nyogetsu draws the sword to strike Kiyo. She is stopped by a roaring thunder and Kiyo faints. Yorimitsu runs over to discover that the sword Nyogetsu was about to use is Murasame! Now that the sword is back in his hands, Yorimitsu can be reinstated in his former position and his wedding with Princess Nanaaya will be possible.

The magical sword, meanwhile, has worked a miracle, and the blind Kiyo recovers her sight. She immediately recognizes Yorimitsu as being the man with whom she fell in love. She is no longer willing to die for Nanaaya. She is, instead, assailed by deadly jealousy over Nanaaya's relationship with Yorimitsu. Nyogetsu is appalled by her daughter's jealousy (shittogoto). She ties her with a rope attached to a large bell, planning to leave her bound until she recovers her senses.

Nyogetsu sends Nanaaya and Yorimitsu to another room. As dusk falls, the lovers' shadows can be seen on the paper windows. Kiyo sees them and is overcome by another wave of passionate jealousy when the lights go out. She hears the bell ring four times and remembers that Hyôdô is supposed to come out of hiding to claim Nanaaya's head.

Princess Kiyo strikes the bell with her head, knocking herself unconscious, Jakubaku, who had been spying, realizes what she was trying to do and decides to carry on striking the remaining strokes himself. At the signal, pursuers close in on the temple. Jakubaku frees Princess Kiyo and urges her to go strike Nanaaya herself, handing her his sword. Hyôdô comes to claim Nanaaya's head and is confronted by Nyogetsu, now attired in white robes along with the koshimoto - all ready to die fighting for their mistress with their naginata. They engage in a furious fight while Yorimitsu and Nanaaya make their escape.

Princess Kiyo makes a move to chase after them, but Nyogetsu strikes her and a desperate fight between mother and daughter ensues. Princess Kiyo's long sash comes undone, and the loose end is held tightly in her mother's hands. The sash unwinds as Princess Kiyo moves off, undulating and growing longer and longer and Nyogetsu realizes to her horror that it has become a snake with her daughter as its head. Hyôdô leaps out to attack Nyogetsu, who stabs herself mortally, letting go of her hold on the sash. Princess Kiyo tries to move away but has to come back to the bell to free her sash.

Act II, scene 2: at the Hashihime Shrine

Yorimitsu comes with Nanaaya to the precincts of the Hashihime Shrine. As the princess is feeling ill, he leaves her at the shrine while he goes to fetch water for her. Fujiwara no Tadabumi approaches the shrine. Tadabumi had been banished by the imperial court for allowing Masakado to escape in battle. He holds a letter that led to his downfall. This is a letter from Princess Nanaaya, promising him her love if he spares Masakado's life.

Tadabumi approaches the shrine through the rain and prays for a chance to meet Nanaaya once again. A peal of thunder causes the princess to cry out in terror. Tadabumi rushes to the back of the shrine and finds Nanaaya. Yorimitsu returns just in time to rescue Nanaaya, however. As the two men are grappling with one another, Jakubaku enters and decides to switch loyalties. He is now on Yorimitsu's side. After all, the son of Mitsunaka is sure to become influential in the future, now that he has recovered the magic sword. Jakubaku restrains Tadabumi, allowing the lovers to make their escape.

Act II, scene 3: on the Bank of the Kizugawa River

Yorimitsu and Nanaaya come to the Kizugawa River bank where they board a ferry to take them across the river. As the boatman starts rowing away from shore, Jakubaku comes running up and asks to be let aboard the same boat. The boatman tosses the mooring rope to him and tells him to pull the boat back to shore so he can board. But at this point Tadabumi comes running up and grabs the mooring rope. Jakubaku tries to keep Tadabumi from boarding the boat and is abetted by the boatman who, having recognized Tadabumi as a wanted fugitive, refuses to let him on board.

Jakubaku orders the boatman to leave without him so the boat goes off carrying the lovers to safety. Tadabumi glares out after the departing boat and is assailed by jealousy. Jakubaku is startled by a strange shadow on the ground and notices that Tadabumi's shadow has taken the shape of a demon. He takes out the magic mirror in his possession and shows it to Tadabumi. Tadabumi sees his reflection in the mirror as a demon.

As Tadabumi glares after the boat, Jakubaku strikes him with his sword. Tadabumi's garment is cut to shreds and covered with blood, but he continues to stand glaring after the boat. Then he grabs the signboard that had been set up to announce that he is wanted. He bites into Jakubaku's throat and blows the blood onto the signboard. Jakubaku drops the mirror. The blood on the signboard turns into fire and starts to burn, while Tadabumi and Jakubaku both fall dead into the river.

Princess Takiyasha appears on stage, picks up the fallen mirror, and jumps into a nearby boat. From downstream comes a boat with the thief Bandô Tarô and from upstream comes Tawara no Tôta Hidesato. In the darkness, the three boats bump into one another, their passengers all groping around for the magic mirror. Tarô ultimately captures it and races downstream with it.

Act III, scene 1: at the Mountain Hideout in Shimôsa

Princess Takiyasha, who has been brought back to life, is now spending her days as the mistress of the mountain thief Bandô Tarô in the province of Shimôsa. Takiyasha had followed Tarô here in pursuit of the prized mirror that once belonged to her husband Masakado. Tarô's mountain hideout is in fact Masakado's last palace. A woman named Yaegaki is walking with a child in these dangerous mountains. The child is Yoshikado, the son of Masakado and Takiyasha. Yaegaki is now surrounded by Tarô's henchmen. They abduct the woman, take the boy away from her and left him in the mountains.

Tarô's father Yotsuzuka Daisaku, who is in reality Iga Jutarô, a former retainer of Sumitomo's father, also lives in this mountain hideout. Daisaku is upset that his son Tarô should now be living with Princess Takiyasha, the sister of his enemy Tada no Mitsunaka.

The pilgrim Hôkai, who in reality is Sumitomo himself, and Tawara Tôta Hidesato also appear at the hideout. Hidesato was once engaged to Princess Takiyasha but was jilted in favor of Masakado. Hidesato, too, has pursued Tarô here in search of the magic mirror.

As Takiyasha expresses her surprise at seeing Hidesato, the cries of an infant are heard. It is Yoshikado, who has been brought back by wolves after being thrown into a valley at the beginning of the scene. For an instant Takiyasha is overcome with concern for the boy, but she soon shakes this off and plots to murder Masakado's arch enemy Hidesato. Hidesato is just barely able to escape assassination and picks up the shakujô, which was dropped by Takiyasha. Then, he quickly runs away.

Tarô, meanwhile, declares to his father Daisaku and Sumitomo that he is prepared to throw away his own life to murder their arch enemy Mitsunaka. The two are impressed and agree to drink to Tarô's resolve. As the three take turns drinking sake, Daisaku and Sumitomo suddenly throw up blood. Tarô has placed poison in the sake, hoping that taking the life of his own father and Sumitomo would put him in the good graces of the Minamoto rulers. With red and white flags owned by Daisaku and Sumitomo now in his possession, Tarô lets out a loud laugh, knowing that he has now become virtually invincible.

Act III, scene 2: at the Kannondô Temple

The scene opens at the Kannondô Temple, a rustic mountain temple dedicated to Kannon. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom on a tree in the rounds of the temple. It is still winter and this tree should be in full blossom. Princess Takiyasha and Hidesato both approach the tree, respectively holding a spade and plow. The unseasoned cherry blossoms are due to the fact that this is the spot where Tarô has buried the magic mirror. While Hidesato is busy digging, the shakujô falls from his kimono. Takiyasha quickly reaches over to pick it up, but as she does so, Hidesato unearths the mirror.

Tarô, holding the severed head of Sumitomo, appears and takes the shakujô from Takiyasha's grasp. When blood from Sumitomo's head touches the shakujô, Takiyasha flinches. When Hidesato takes out the mirror and holds it up against Takiyasha, moreover, the ghost of Masakado really emerges from Takiyasha's body. The ghost turns into a skeleton and disappears.

Tarô has now expurgated both Masakado's grudge and Sumitomo's remaining ambitions. He now hopes to report this to Tada no Mitsunaka in order to win his favors. Just as he is about to set off, he is confronted by Mitsunaka's retainer Ikuta Shichirô, who had been disguising himself as one of Tarô's henchmen calling himself Ishiguro. Shichirô makes the startling revelation that Tarô is, in fact, the real Sumitomo. Tarô was born to Sumitomo's parents as the legitimate heir but had been switched in the cradle with a baby named Kongômaru, who was the son of Iga Jutarô, alias Yotsuzuka Daisaku.

The real Sumitomo now confronts Hidesato's forces but is prevented from attacking as Yaegaki enters carrying Yoshikado. Sumitomo does not want to kill the son of his deceased ally. Promising Hidesato that he will meet again on the battlefield, he disappears.

Act IV, scene 1: Futa Omote Dôjôji [7]
--> A dedicated summary: "Futa Omote Dôjôji"

At the Miidera Temple Temple, the priests Hakuunbô and Kokuunbô [8] are praising Yorimitsu for recovering the precious sword and having been reinstated. There will be a nuptial ceremony for Yorimitsu and Princess Nanaaya as well. It is also the day when a bell reputed to have been brought from the kingdom undersea will be installed and they have taken advantage to hide Princess Nanaaya in the bell because women are forbidden on the temple grounds (kaneiri). The priests pull the rope and raises the bell and Princess Nanaaya emerges. The pair go off together, while the priests retire to the side and start to doze. A shirabyôshi dancer appears and the priests wakes up and questions her. She explains that she has heard that a precious bell will be installed and have come to offer a ceremonial dance. But as the dance progresses, the priests become aware that it is in fact a man in disguise of a woman. The priests demand that the performer identify himself, and he says he is an actor named Masuroku. They are afraid he may be a spy, and Yorimitsu and Princess Nanaaya come out hearing the commotion. They too join the questioning and demand that he prove that he is an actor by performing for them. Masuroku proceeds with his act, using different masks and portraying different characters. When the performance is over, the actor drops his mask and peers into Yorimitsu, appearing as Princess Kiyo. Then he turns towards Princess Nanaaya with the face of Tadabumi. Masuroku is the spirit of both the jealous Princess Kiyo and Tadabumi, who had vowed vengeance against their rivals. Yorimitsu raises his sword and hides under the bell with Princess Nanaaya, but the evil spirit uses his demonic power to raise the bell. To this scene, Tawara no Tôta Hidesato comes in gallantly and counters the evil spirit (oshimodoshi). The evil spirit is no match for this heroic figure and disappears.


[1] The title "The Gold Shrine Offerings of Sarushima" comes from Samuel Leiter's "Historical Dictionary of Japanese Traditional Theatre".

[2] The 19th day of the 11th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 14th of December 1829 in the western calendar.

[3] The 27th day of the 11th lunar month of the 12th year of the Bunsei era was the 22nd of December 1829 in the western calendar.

[4] He was also called Iyo no Sumitomo as he was from the province of Iyo.

[5] Takiyasha was in real history the daughter of Taira no Masakado, not his wife!

[6] Uji is famous for its high-quality green tea.

[7] The final dance-drama is set at the Miidera Temple, not the Dôjôji Temple but this dance being a parody of "Musume Dôjôji", it has retained the name of the latter temple in its title! "Futa Omote Dôjôji" can be translated as "Double-Faced Dôjoji".

[8] The two priests, who are named Hakuunbô (the white cloud bonze) and Kokuunbô (the black cloud bonze), are a parody of the two priests in "Narukami".

The actors Nakamura Shikan II and Segawa Kikunojô V playing the roles of Tawara no Tôta Hidesato and Takiyasha (in reality Taira no Masakado) in the drama "Kin no Zai Sarushima Dairi", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1829 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

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