The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Tsuchiya Chikara in the drama "Tsuchiya Chikara", which was staged in March 1926 at the Kabukiza | The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Katsugorô's wife Hatsuhana in the drama "Izari no Adauchi", which was staged in September 1928 in Kôbe at the Yachiyoza |
The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Princess Minazuru in the drama "Kikubatake", which was staged in December 1928 at the Minamiza | The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Kamiya Jihê in the drama "Shigure no Kotatsu", which was staged in December 1935 at the Meijiza |
The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in the dance-drama "Kanjinchô", which was staged in April 1936 at the Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijô | The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Nan Yohê (later Nanpô Jûjibê) in the drama "Hikimado", which was staged in July 1936 at the Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijô |
The actor Nakamura Ganjirô II playing the prestigious role of Kamiya Jihê in the Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Shinjû Ten no Amijima" in a print made by Natori Shunsen in 1952 |
The actor Nakamura Ganjirô II (left) and Arashi Rikaku V (right) playing the roles of the Aburaya bantô Zenroku and Matsuya Gen'emon in the drama "Shinpan Ukina no Yomiuri" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2009) all rights reserved) |
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