An illustration from an ehon banzuke depicting the dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1786 in Edo at the Nakamuraza with Sawamura Sôjûrô III (1st from right), Ichikawa Yaozô III (2nd from right), Onoe Matsusuke I (1st from left) and Arashi Murajirô (2nd from left) in the roles of Kusunoki Masatsura, Kusunoki Uraminosuke (in reality the Tsukamoto male fox), the bonze Saheibô and Ben-no-Naishi (in reality the Chieda female fox)

An illustration from an ehon banzuke depicting the dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1786 in Edo at the Nakamuraza with Onoe Matsusuke I (1st from left) and Arashi Murajirô (1st from right) in the roles of the bonze Saheibô and Ben-no-Naishi (in reality the Chieda female fox)

An illustration from an ehon banzuke depicting the dance-drama "Sode Furu Yuki Yoshino Shûi", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1786 in Edo at the Nakamuraza with Ichikawa Yaozô III (1st from left) and Sawamura Sôjûrô III (1st from right) in the roles of Kusunoki Uraminosuke (in reality the Tsukamoto male fox) and Kusunoki Masatsura

Seki Sanjûrô III, Ichimura Uzaemon XII and Nakamura Utaemon IV playing the roles of Kusunoki Masatsura, Ben-no-Naishi (in reality the Chieda female fox) and Matagorô (in reality the Tsukamoto male fox) in the dance-drama "Yoshinoyama Yuki no Furugoto", which was staged 9th lunar month of 1840 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

Seki Sanjûrô III playing the role of Kusunoki Masatsura in the dance-drama "Yoshinoyama Yuki no Furugoto", which was staged 9th lunar month of 1840 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

Ichimura Uzaemon XII playing the role of Ben-no-Naishi (in reality the Chieda female fox) in the dance-drama "Yoshinoyama Yuki no Furugoto", which was staged 9th lunar month of 1840 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

Nakamura Utaemon IV playing the role of Matagorô (in reality the Tsukamoto male fox) in the dance-drama "Yoshinoyama Yuki no Furugoto", which was staged 9th lunar month of 1840 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

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